Published on 16 Aug 2022

Prof Chen Xiaodong and Adj Prof BVR Chowdari elected SNAS Fellow

We are pleased to share that Professor Chen Xiaodong and Adjunct Professor B.V.R. Chowdari have been elected as Singapore National Academy of Science (SNAS) Fellow in 2022.

Professor Chen Xiaodong, President’s Chair Professor in Materials Science and Engineering, was honoured for his outstanding contribution to advanced materials research for soft bioelectronics capable of digitising biological senses and extending human sensing capabilities.

Adjunct Professor B.V.R. Chowdari, who is the President Emeritus and Senior Executive Director of the Materials Research Society of Singapore, was honoured for his research in functional materials and his dedicated services for the materials research community in Singapore and worldwide.

Our heartiest congratulations to Prof Chen and Prof Chowdari on this outstanding achievement!

About SNAS Fellowships
Established in 1976, the Singapore National Academy of Science (SNAS) endeavours to promote the advance of science and technology in Singapore, as well as represent the scientific opinions of its members.
From the outset, SNAS was conceived of as an umbrella organization which would not only have its own series of programmes, but would also oversee the activities of its constituent societies. Since 2011, SNAS has begun to elect its own fellows. 
SNAS Fellows are outstanding scientists who are working or have worked in Singapore. They are expected to advise and/or contribute to the government and other national organizations on various aspects of science including research, teaching, science policy; promotion and public communication of science, etc. For more information, please visit here.