Our Faculty

The faculty members of Leadership, Management, and Organisation Division have diverse research expertise and deep practical business experience. They have established research excellence in the areas of culture and cultural intelligence, leadership, organisational behaviour, human resource management, communication management, and neuroscience. 

Many of our faculty members are also active in contributing their knowledge and insights to small- and medium-sized companies, large multinational companies, and public-sector organisations, by providing consultancy services or conducting executive development workshops. 
Jason D Shaw, Head, Division & Professor, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Jason D. SHAW
Shaw Foundation Chair in Business
Head, Division & Professor

Office: ABS-05-047

Soon  Ang, Distinguished University Professor, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Distinguished University Professor

Office: ABS-05-021

Ng Kok Yee, Professor, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Office: ABS-05-019 

Chan Kim Yin, Associate Professor, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Associate Professor

Office: ABS-05-023 

Geraldine Chen, Associate Professor, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Associate Professor

Office: ABS-05-044

Sasha Chernyshenko, Associate Professor, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Associate Professor

Office: ABS-05-022

Georgias Christopoulus, Associate Professor, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Associate Professor

Office: ABS-05-024

Ivy Kwan, Associate Professor, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Associate Professor (Practice)

Office: ABS-05-042

Josephine Lang Chin Ying, Associate Professor, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Josephine LANG Chin Ying

Associate Professor (Practice)

Office: ABS-05-018

Lim Beng Chong, Associate Professor, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
LIM Beng Chong 
Associate Professor

Office: ABS-05-020

Nigel Phang Yew Keong, Associate Professor, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Nigel PHANG Yew Keong

Associate Professor (Practice)

Office: ABS-06-127

Thomas Rockstuhl, Associate Professor, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Associate Professor

Office: ABS-05-025

Ruchi SINHA, Associate Professor (Practice), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore


Associate Professor (Practice)

Office: ABS-05-052

Trevor Yu Kang Yang, Associate Professor, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Associate Professor

Office: ABS-05-041

Jing Zhu, Associate Professor, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Associate Professor

Office: ABS-05-040

Xi Zou, Associate Professor, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Associate Professor

Office: ABS-05-027

Chong Sin Hui, Associate Professor, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Assistant Professor

Office: ABS-05-037

Fong Keng-Highberger, Associate Professor, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Assistant Professor

Office: ABS-05-036
Grace LIM Jia Hui 
Assistant Professor

Office: ABS-05-053

LIU Haiyang

LIU Haiyang
Assistant Professor

Office: ABS-05-026
Federico MAGNI

Federico MAGNI
Assistant Professor

Office: ABS-05-051
Evelyn ZHANG

Evelyn ZHANG
Assistant Professor

Office: ABS-05-049

ZHANG Haoyue Jack
Assistant Professor

Office: ABS-05-039
Chua Chong Jin, Senior Lecturer, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
CHUA Chong Jin 
Senior Lecturer

Office: ABS-05-016

Naina Gupta, Senior Lecturer, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Senior Lecturer

Office: ABS-05-001

Hoo Hui Teng, Lecturer, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
HOO Hui Teng 
Senior Lecturer

Office: ABS-05-005

Koh Cheng Boon, Senior Lecturer, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
KOH Cheng Boon 

Senior Lecturer

Office: ABS-05-010

Kumaran Rajaram, Senior Lecturer, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Senior Lecturer

Office: ABS-05-003

Daniel Siew Hoi Kok, Senior Lecturer, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Senior Lecturer

Office: ABS-05-011
Yang Mei Ling, Senior Lecturer, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
YANG Mei Ling 

Senior Lecturer

Office: ABS-05-002

Kelvin Yeo, Senior Lecturer, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Kelvin YEO
Senior Lecturer

Office: ABS-05-014

David Yew, Senior Lecturer, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Senior Lecturer

Office: ABS-05-006

Don Willis, Senior Lecturer, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Senior Lecturer

Office: ABS-05-007

Daisy Teh-Tan, Lecturer, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Office: ABS-05-009

Catherine Peyrols Wu, Lecturer, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Office: ABS-05-012

Clara Soo, PhD Scholar, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Clara SOO
International PhD Scholar

Office: ABS-05-008

Stefan Seiler, Adjunct Professor, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Adjunct Professor

Email: [email protected]


Category Faculty Award
Research Thomas ROCKSTUHL Research Excellence Award
Research Fong KENG-HIGHBERGERBest Paper Award IIT Madras – SoMs Research Symposium
Research Jason D. SHAW Runner-up, Saroj Parasuraman Award, Gender and Diversity in Organizations Division, AOM
TeachingGeraldine CHENTeaching Excellence Award
Teaching Olexander CHERNYSHENKO Teacher of the Year Award for Graduate Degree Programs (Nanyang Executive MBA)


Category Faculty Award
Research CHONG Sinhui Research Excellence Award
Research Thomas ROCKSTUHLInternational HRM Scholarly Research Award, AOM Annual Meeting
Teaching Stewart L. ARNOLD Teaching Excellence Award
TeachingOlexander CHERNYSHENKOTeacher of the Year Award for Graduate Degree Programs (Nanyang Fellows MBA)
Teaching Olexander CHERNYSHENKO Teacher of the Year Award for Graduate Degree Programs (Nanyang Professional MBA)
Service HOO Hui Teng National Day Award (The Commendation Medal)
Service NG Kok Yee National Day Award (The Long Service Medal)


Category Faculty Award
Research Vanessa BARROS, Thomas ROCKSTUHL, Kok Yee NG, and Soon ANG Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology (SIOP) Best International Paper Award 2020
Research Krishna SAVANI Research Excellence Award (REA) 2020
Research Krishna SAVANI Nanyang Award (Nanyang Research Award – Young Investigator)
ServiceJing ZHUBest Reviewer Award, Academy of Management Journal 
Teaching CHUA Chong Jin Teaching Excellence Award (TEA) 2020
Teaching Guido GIANASSO 2020 Teacher of the Year Award for Graduate Degree Program (Nanyang Fellows MBA Program)
Teaching Guido GIANASSO 2020 WMI Teacher of the Year Award (MSc in Asset & Wealth Management)
Teaching Georgios CHRISTOPOULOS John Cheung Social Media Award


Category Faculty Award
Research Catherine Peyrols WU International Conference on Applied Psychology, Best Presentation Award
Service Catherine Peyrols WU Academy of Management, Management Education and Development Division, Outstanding Reviewer Award
Research CHONG Sin Hui Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology (SIOP) Conference Top 10 Posters Award
Teaching David YEW NBS Accountancy Teacher of the Year for Undergraduate Program
Research Jason D. SHAW Fellow of the Academy of Management
Research Krishna SAVANI Asia Academy of Management, OB Track, Best Paper Award
Teaching Olexander CHERNYSHENKO NBS Nanyang MBA Program Teaching of the Year Award for Graduate Degree Program
Research ZOU Xi Best Paper Award, Academy of Management Review


Category Faculty Award
Teaching Catherine Peyrols WU John Cheung Social Media Award
Research CHAN Kim Yin Academy of Management Careers Division Michael Driver Best Applied Paper Award
Teaching Don WILLIS Koh Boon Hwee Honored Faculty Award
Research George CHRISTOPOULOS NBS Research Excellence Award
Teaching HOO Hui Teng NBS Teaching Excellence Award
Research Jason D. SHAW Academy of Management Best Article Award
Teaching KOH Cheng Boon NBS Teaching Excellence Award
Research Krishna SAVANI Poets and Quants “Top 40 Business Professors Under 40”
Research Thomas ROCKSTUHL Best International Paper Award, SIOP Annual Meeting
Teaching Trevor YU Teacher of the Year Award for Graduate Degree Programmes: MSc (Marketing and Consumer Insight) Programme
Research ZOU Xi Academy of Management Review Best Paper Award
Research ZOU Xi Academy of Management Best Papers Proceedings Award
Research ZOU Xi Best Paper Award, Managerial and Organizational Cognition Division, Academy of Management Annual Conference


Category Faculty Award
Research CHAN Kim Yin Best Poster Award at 2017 Singapore Conference on Applied Psychology held at Singapore
Service CHONG Sin Hui Academy of Management Conference OB Division Outstanding Reviewer Award
Teaching Geraldine CHEN NBS Teaching Excellence Award
Research Jason D. SHAW Winner, 2017 Best Article Award, Academy of Management Journal
Research Jing ZHU International Human Resource Management Scholarly Research Award, Human Resource Division, Academy of Management
Teaching KOH Cheng Boon Koh Boon Hwee Scholars Award
Research Thomas ROCKSTUHL NBS Research Excellence Award
Teaching Thomas ROCKSTUHL John Cheung Social Media Award


Category Faculty Award
Teaching Kumaran RAJARAM John Cheung Social Media Award
Research Jing ZHU Citations of Excellence Award, Emerald Group Publishing
Research Krishna SAVANI NBS Research Excellence Award
Research Krishna SAVANI Singapore Business Review’s 18 influential business professors under 40
Research Krishna SAVANI Nanyang Assistant Professorship award
Service NG Kok Yee Best Reviewer Award, Academy of Management Discoveries
Research NG Kok Yee Top Paper Poster Award, Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Research Thomas ROCKSTUHL Best International Paper, SIOP Annual Meeting


Category Faculty Award
Service Guido GIANASSO Singapore Kindness Award, Singapore Kindness Movement
Teaching HOO Hui Teng John Cheung Social Media Award
Research Krishna SAVANI Rising Star Award (Inaugural), Association for Psychological Science
Research NG Kok Yee Nanyang Excellence in Research Award
Research Thomas ROCKSTUHL PROSE Award for Excellence in Reference Works
Research Thomas ROCKSTUHL PROSE Award for Multivolume Reference – Humanities & Social Sciences