RPIC2024 for website

Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference (RPIC) 2024

RPIC 2024 has ended! Thank you to everyone who attended and we hope that you have had a fruitful experience!

Please send full papers to [email protected] with the subject title “RPIC 2024 Conference Proceedings Submission [Abstract ID]”

Only Papers presented at the Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference 2024 will be accepted for possible inclusion in the Proceedings. If your abstract was accepted but you were unable to present at the conference, your Paper will not be considered for the Proceedings. Authors should also complete the RPIC 2024 Contributions Copyright Form and submit it along with the Paper.

All papers should be submitted no later than 30 November 2024.

  1. Papers must be in the form of a complete narrative in the following format with six elements:
    a. Purpose of Paper: Aims and objectives
    b. Research Methodology: Methods, techniques or modes of inquiry
    c. Data Sources: Evidence, objects or materials
    d. Recommendations: Implications and future relevance
    e. Conclusion: Results and/or substantiated conclusions or warrants for arguments/point of view
    f. References: Sources of in-text citations
  2. Papers must be submitted in Word format.
  3. Papers must adhere to the following word limit:
    a. Paper title: <20 words
    b. Abstract: <300 words
    c. Paper: 5,000–6,000 words
  4. Papers must be submitted in English language.
  5. Please adhere to the APA 7th edition formatting guidelines.
  6. References, tables, charts, graphs, images and figures (if any) should be added to the end of the document and are not included in the word count.

All submission of Papers will be considered for possible inclusion in the Conference Proceedings. Accepted Papers will be edited and made available online with an ISBN. The editors may contact you for further queries when necessary. For contact purposes, please ensure that you use a valid e-mail address that you control when submitting a paper for the proceedings.

The Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference (RPIC) which will take place on 28 May to 30 May 2024 is a flagship conference hosted by the  National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

In an era of uncertain and rapid changes, knowledge dissemination and translation are increasingly important areas in education in order to bridge knowledge gained through research, and its application in practice and policy. Putting research translations within the reach of educators can help ensure that our young learners are exposed to quality education that are evidence informed.    

The theme of the conference, "Growing future-ready teachers and learners: Collaborative research for educational change", initiates conversations beyond the importance of education research, bringing practitioners and researchers into the whats, whys and hows of effectively translating research into practice that can help impact the teaching and learning experience.

RPIC 2024 aims to provide a global platform for researchers, educational leaders, practitioners, and policymakers to collectively debate and generate creative solutions, and to actively exchange research and educational ideas and experiences between and across local, regional and international educational communities.  

The conference will offer opportunities for multi-stakeholder interactions, sharing of international leading-edge research and best practices across schools and cultures, forging of new and innovative directions for educational research and practice, and broadening professional networks throughout the region. 


More information on the conference on this link: https://rpic2024.com/

Contact Us

For more information, please contact us at: [email protected]