Published on 06 Sep 2023

Dr Melvin Chan Chee Yeen co-publishes a journal article and was invited to speak at the West 1 School Cluster Board meeting

Dr Melvin Chan, Assistant Dean of Knowledge Management at the Office of Education Research (OER), co-wrote a journal article titled “Achievement Goal Profiles and Their Associations with Math Achievement, Self-efficiency, Anxiety, and Instructional Quality: A Single and Multilevel Mixture Study” in the British Journal of Education Psychology, alongside Assoc Prof Gregory Arief D Liem, Associate Professor at the Psychology and Child & Human Development Academic Group (PCHD AG). The article aims to investigate achievement goal profiles in mathematics and their associations with background covariates and correlates at the student-level and class-level quality dimensions of classroom management, supportive climate, instructional clarity and cognitive activation.

Dr Melvin Chan was also invited to speak at the West 1 School Cluster Board meeting on 27 July 2023, attended by the Cluster Superintendent and over 20 School Leaders from 11 schools. His research paper, titled “Profiles and Characteristics of Future-ready Learners Transitioning from Secondary to Post-secondary Education”, explores concepts of future-ready learners and future-readiness based on an ongoing study of 4,300 post-secondary students. The presentation addressed three questions: if students need a unique set of skills to navigate a different world they will enter upon leaving school, what might these be, who might be better equipped, and how might they be nurtured? Dr Melvin Chan concluded the presentation with a discussion of how future-readiness can be nurtured and strengthened.