Units under NIE Director's Office
The Chief Strategy and Partnerships Officer (CSPO) is a senior leadership position in the NIE Director’s Office. It was established in January 2024 as part of NIE NTU Singapore’s increased emphasis on international engagement, reputational impact, corporate communications and alumni relations.
The CSPO position oversees the Strategic Planning & Engagement (SPE) and Public, International & Alumni Relations (PIAR) departments, leading efforts to partner NIE’s programme offices and departments to bolster international outreach, global strategic engagement and overall reputation building.
Chief Strategy and Partnerships Officer
The Chief Learning and Innovations Officer (CLIO) is a senior leadership position in the NIE Director’s Office. It was established in July 2024 to spearhead innovations in teaching and learning across NIE.
The CLIO position oversees the Academic Quality (AQ) department, Centre for Innovations in Learning (IN-Learning) and NIE Library and Information Services Centre (LIBRIS), working closely with NIE’s programme offices and departments to ensure that NIE’s pedagogies and learner experience remain future-oriented, innovative and evidence-informed.
Chief Learning and Innovations Officer

The Strategic Planning & Engagement (SPE) department leads NIE’s strategic planning and engagement efforts. It assists the NIE Senior Leadership in overseeing the formulation, implementation and communication of the Institute’s medium term strategic plan. The current NIE Strategic Vision 2025: "A Future-ready NIE: Transformation, Growth and Sustainability" outlines NIE's key strategic direction and institute-level goals for the next few years.
Besides playing a critical role in charting the strategic directions of NIE, SPE works synergistically with Public, International and Alumni Relations (PIAR) and other departments to enhance our channels of strategic and corporate communications and strengthen NIE’s international outreach and engagement.
SPE is headed by Ms Wong Su Ling, Deputy Director & Head, Strategic Planning & Engagement, who reports to CSPO and provides direct support to NIE Director.
At the Public, International and Alumni Relations (PIAR) Department, the team actively promotes the NIE brand both locally and on the international platform.
In addition, we support NIE Director in strategic communication with NIE’s stakeholders, such as the media, NIE alumni, visitors and partners.
Some of the strategic areas PIAR manages include:
Visitors/Hospitality Relations – Hosting of international and local delegations, such as visits from distinguished educators from leading education institutes and education officials
Publicity/Media Relations – Communication with the media, i.e. issuance of media releases and handling media queries
Alumni Relations – Promote close relations between NIE alumni and their alma mater through strategic channels, i.e. organise alumni networking events and graduation ceremonies, updates on NIE’s latest developments and professional development courses
Marketing Relations – Promote the image and identity of NIE through strategic communication and special projects such as corporate video, brand communication and NIE corporate website.
NIEWS - Publication of NIE's Quarterly Newsletter
PIAR is headed by Ms Patricia Campbell, Deputy Director & Head, PIAR, who reports to CSPO and provides direct support to NIE Director.
The Academic Quality (AQ) department provides leadership to strengthen teaching and learning quality in NIE through the implementation of NIE’s Integrated Quality Principles. AQ strives to maintain high standards of data integrity and research data governance through collaboration with NIE’s programme offices. AQ also works closely with the Ministry of Education and the Academy of Singapore Teachers to contribute towards the improvement of NIE programmes.
AQ is led by Associate Professor David Ng Foo Seong, Associate Dean, AQ, who reports to CLIO in NIE Director’s Office.
The IN-Learning’s key focus areas include initiating innovative and technology mediated pedagogies, support for a professional development framework for faculty, student teachers and non-academic staff, and forging key alliances with global technology leaders in education.
IN-Learning is headed by Ms Shamini d/o Thilarajah, Deputy Director and Head/IN-Learning, who reports to CLIO in NIE Director's Office.
The NIE Library and Information Services Centre (LIBRIS) is the largest education library in Singapore and provides resources to support the teaching, learning and research programmes of the institute as well as the following services:
- Access Services - Loans, membership and visitor services
- Bibliographic Services – Cataloguing and organisation of library materials
- Collection Development Services - Acquisition of print/electronic books and media resources
- Information Services – Enquiries and research consultations
- Learning Services - Library instructional programmes and user engagement
- Digital Library Services – Implementation, management and maintenance of library systems and applications
- Scholarly Communication – Research support services and repository services
- Subscription Services - Subscription and management of databases, print/electronic journals and magazines
LIBRIS is headed by Mr Jacky Wong Kae Perng, NIE Chief Librarian, who reports to CLIO in NIE Director’s Office.
For more information about LIBRIS, click here.
Strategic Planning and Engagement
NIE Block 1 Level 3 Room 18
1 Nanyang Walk
Singapore 637616
DID: 6592 8251
Email: [email protected]