Work Package 8

Campus-Wide Integrated V2X Test Bed

With the emergence of two different V2X communication standards – the IEEE DSRC (dedicated short range communication) V2X versus the Cellular V2X (C-V2X) – and the possibility of different countries adopting one or the other, or both standards, the need for interference mitigation or co-existence strategies between the two technologies arises.

The campus-wide NTU Smart Mobility Testbed (SMTB) is currently based on the DSRC V2X technology (which encompasses the IEEE 802.11p, IEEE 1609 and SAE standards).  In 3-year time (2020-2022), the SMTB will be upgraded to be equipped with Cellular-V2X roadside units and onboard units too.  This will make the NTU SMTB capable of supporting R&D and field trials involving both V2X global standards.

WP8 targets to meet the following goals:

Creating an integrated C-V2X+DSRC testbed with “Uu” channel and “Side-Link” channel

NTU will work with a Singapore telco to integrate 5G cellular infrastructure into the overall SMTB system.  With this, the new NTU SMTB will also support C-V2V communication on 5.9GHz (side-link) channels, and C-V2I communication on 3.6 GHz (Uu) channels.

Development of state-of-art hybrid V2X software stack, framework, and applications

A V2X networking software stack will be developed to support the exchange of data frames between both V2X standards, and act as a transparent middleware to the upper-layer application framework. The application framework will provide generic functionality that can be selectively configured to facilitate the development of user applications catered for any single, or both, V2X users.


Evaluation of co-existence strategies for C-V2X and DSRC

The adjacent channel interference of Cellular -V2X signals on DSRC signal in the 5.9GHz frequency band will be comprehensively studied.  Extensive field measurement and data collection will be performed.  Guidelines on how the two standards may harmonize the use of the 5.9GHz channels will be established.

Public-road demonstration of dual-technology V2X use cases

Selected end-user applications of the C-V2X and DSRC technologies will be developed and demonstrated on public roads in the NTU testbed and in a Jurong West testbed (collaboration with Institute of Infocomm Research, A*STAR, Singapore).

COSMO WP8 Campus Map

Ultimately, the project aims to bring about an open dual-technology V2X communication platform for research groups, government and industry partners to experiment with novel smart mobility solutions.


