BS6201 Essential Programming for Biomedical Science

Summary of co​urse content

Python is one of the most widely used and growing programming languages. The course will introduce the students to the different concepts in Python programming, such as loops, conditional statements, development of functions, construction of bioinformatical pipelines and plotting. Biomedical data scientists can use Python for data analysis and to implement their own functions, which can be grouped into packages and shared with other purveyors. This is a customized programming course tailored for the training backgrounds of biologists.

This is a Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL) course (100%).

Aims and objectives

The aim of this module is to allow students to gain proficiency in Python, with particular focus on data analysis and visualization.


Week 1Basic program structure - Using Google Colab to write Python scripts
Week 2Boolean data types, relational operators, selection - Using variables and conditional statements
Week 3Repetition and loops - for loops
Week 4Repetition and loops - while loops, pass, continue, break statements
Week 5Abstraction, strings, composites - Strings and lists
Week 6Abstraction, strings, composites - Dictionaries
Week 7Function development - Using and constructing functions
Week 8Sets - Using sets and set theory
Week 9Plotting in matplotlib - Introduction to plotting with matplotlib and seaborn
Week 10Statistical packages in Python - Introduction to numpy and scipy, Project
Week 11Building pipelines in python - Using O​S module to run external software, Project
Week 12Gene function prediction I: Introduction - Project
Week 13Gene function prediction II: Network analysis - Project


Participation and MCQsIndividual20%
MCQ QuizzesIndividual30%
Hands-on ExercisesIndividual20%