Australian Schools Plus visits NIE
On April 19th, NIE had the pleasure of hosting Australian Schools Plus, who were welcomed by Center director, Prof Hung, and taken on a tour of NIE Visitors Learning Center and SoLEC. The researchers from NIE presented their latest research on how utilizing science of learning principles can improve pedagogy and practice. There were productive discussions with the visitors on various topics, such as translational research, alternative language assessment, and meeting the needs of at-risk students.
Australian Schools Plus shared their work, highlighting the importance of fostering a positive school culture to promote student well-being and enrollment, and how they have used science of learning principles to inform practice. The fruitful conversations continued over lunch, covering topics such as assessment, education system differences, and the importance of lifelong learning and 21st century competencies. Overall, the visit provided a valuable opportunity for exchange of ideas and collaboration between Australian Schools Plus and NIE.

From Left to Right,
Top Row: Dr Jessica Tan, Dr Ser Hong Tan, Mr Trent Cowley, Ms Wah Shih Fen, Mr Michael Hornby, Mr Ian Preston, Ms Toni Hatten-Roberts, Mr Shane Wilson, Mr Daniel Edwards, Ms Fransina Norval, Dr Astrid Schmied, Ms Jenna
Cullen, Dr Munirah Binte Shaik Kadir, Mr Peter Langham, A/Prof Vahid Aryadoust.
Bottom Row: Dr Mei Ying Tan, Ms Stephanie Salazar, Dr Stephen Brown, Mr Brendan Kenna, Ms Brownwyn Burr, Ms Bernadette Ng Li Min, Prof Hung Wei Loong, Mr Orhun Timurcan Ozcelik.