SEAB Visit to SoLEC to Promote Brain Literacy in Education
On March 6th 2024, more than 60 participants from the Singapore Examination and Assessment Board (SEAB)'s Exam Operations Division had a learning journey to the Science of Learning in Education Centre (SoLEC). The group, led by Mr. Pang Chong Han, Director of Exam Operations, was hosted by Assistant Professor Azilawati Jamaludin, the Assistant Centre Director of Human Potential & Translation at SoLEC, together with Mr Roger Hoe, Assistant Director of SEAB and MSc (Science of Learning), Class of 2023. The event was timed with Brain Awareness Week (BAW) to promote brain literacy in education.
At the newly set-up SoLEC Collaboration Space and the SoLEC Classroom Lab, Dr Yuvaraj Rajamanickam, Dr Tan Aik Lim, and Mr. Wong Kwong Choong performed demonstrations and hands-on activities with the visitors using a variety of neuro and physiological measurement tools, including electroencephalograms (EEG), electrocardiograms (ECG), electrodermal activity monitor (EDA), and eye trackers. Dr Tan Ser Hong presented an engaging lecture on "Understanding Student Test Anxiety". The participants then had a dialogue on test anxiety during invigilation and discuss their impacts.
"The workshops and valuable insights shared by the presenters on Educational Neuroscience were enlightening...gave us an understanding of the mission that SoLEC is embarking on to help our students and schools.", Mr Pang commented on his visit. This can help foster future collaborations to research on assessment needs using Science of Learning methods.