We believe that each class should not only immerse you into the French culture, but also allow you to experience or to live it. Therefore, all our French classes follow a Task-Based teaching approach, which will engage you in collaborative tasks resembling real-life situations with your group or your classmates. Autonomous learning is also emphasised, which resulted in the implementation of Blended Learning in all French classes, and a partially Flipped Classroom curriculum in LF9004, LF9005 and LF9006. Together, this means lots of engagement and activities in and out the classroom, which makes learning much more fun :)
For more information, please contact the French language coordinators at [email protected]
To get more information and to get involved:
> join the Facebook group
> Join the NTU French Appreciation Society.
> follow us on Instagram @ntufrenchsociety (#SociétéfrancaisedeNTU)
1. A global language for furthering your education and boosting your career
Make new friends! Speaking French will allow you to communicate with more than 280 million people on five continents. French is the official language of 33, and French is the only language, apart from English, to be spoken on all inhabited continents.
Change your life! Speaking French will open up study opportunities at renowned French speaking universities and business schools in many countries, such as Canada and Switzerland, and open the doors for careers in international French companies. Due to the booming economic growth of African countries, French will remain a major business and high-tech language in the world.
2. A language that opens up the world for your future
Planning and international career? French is both a working language and an official language of many international institutions such as the United Nations, the European Union, UNESCO, NATO, the International Olympic Committee, the International Red Cross, the Universal Postal Union, etc.
Afraid of not getting enough practice during your French studies? French is the second most widely learned foreign language after English. There are over 525 French-Language universities in the world. OGEM (Office of Global Education and Mobility) in NTU offers immersion programmes in France during summer and winter.
Did you know? French is also the third most widely used language on the Internet (2017).
3. A language of culture
"French is too difficult to learn". French is lexically more like English than any other Romance languages since 50% of current English vocabulary is derived from French. While learning French, you will better understand English and even improve your English.
"I am just interested in France and French culture". France
is the world’s top tourist destination and as such attracts about 80
million visitors a year. Speaking even a little French offers you
insights into the Francophone culture, mentality and
way of life. Moreover, learning French will help you to understand the
languages of cooking, theatre, the visual arts, dance, architecture, etc.
4. Discover the diversity of the French spreaking world
D.E.L.F. and D.A.L.F. are official qualifications awarded by the French Ministry of Education. They consist of six diplomas that certify candidates' proficiency in the French language. Listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills are evaluated at each level.
At NTU, we organise training sessions for our interested students to prepare them for D.E.L.F. levels A1, A2, B1, and B2. Preparation for C1 and C2 is available upon request.

The NTU French Department established a partnership with the French Chamber of Commerce in Singapore (FCCS)’s recruitment team. With this new partnership, NTU students learning French or having learnt French will receive free personal guidance when applying for an internship or a job advertised by the FCCS.
Established in 1979, the French Chamber of Commerce in Singapore belongs to a worldwide network of 127 French Chambers (CCIFI) in 92 countries with over 37,000 companies. It’s a business association that promotes mutually beneficial trade relations between Singapore & France. Its mission consists of connecting, promoting, bringing together a strong business network of companies and boosting their development in Singapore and the region. FCCS represents a dynamic business platform of over 650 companies and individual members comprising a total network of 7,000 contacts in Singapore.
More information can be found on the French Chamber of Commerce poster, on the FCCS LinkedIn page and on the FCCS webpage.