NTU School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Alumni Association

NTU School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Alumni Association (SPMSAA) is a relative young school in NTU, with the first batch of alumni in 2009. SPMSAA was formed in November 2011 and is still expanding. Alumni are encouraged to participate in the activities and SPMSAA looks​ forward to you joining them as committee members.

The vision of SPMS​AA
  • To be a recognised association amongst the many global associations of NT​U
The mission of SPMSAA
  • To be the bridge for NTU, SPMS and alumni to forge better ties

NTU School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Alumni Association
Mr Tan Cheng Wee
c/o NTU School of Physical & Mathematical Sciences 
SPMS-04-01, 21 Nanyang Link, Singapore 637371
[email protected] | Website (School)