Biophysics and Biochemistry Platform

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Biophysical and biochemical measurements allow researchers to understand the underlying mechanisms of their protein behaviour, and often times allow the validation of observations made in structural studies. The Biophysics and Biochemistry Platform at NISB was established in 2017. The platform houses a wide array of equipment that can make different measurements, including binding efficiency or accurately measuring protein size. Biophysical and biochemistry techniques are powerful tools and it allows researchers to probe interactions of single molecules to whole complex cells. 


The platform is open to all academic and industrial users.

Equipment can be accessed either independently (after training had been conducted) or with the assistance of one of our facility staff.

Independent usage

  • Equipment training allows users to operate our instruments independently.
    If instrumental work is going to be regular, or there are a fair amount of samples, training is recommended.
    Users will be required to clear safety requirements before training can commence.
    For more information, please go to our Facility Access page.

Usage with assistance 

  • Users can opt for our facility staff to operate the instruments for them. This is best if equipment usage is going to be one-off, irregular, or if there just a few samples.
  • Charges for usage with assistance are for the technical operation of our instruments and do not include data analysis. There is no guarantee of getting any results from your sample.

Billing and payment terms

  • The user will be invoiced monthly for the usage.
  • The user who fails to pay the bill in thirty (30) days from the date of invoice will be suspended from using the facility until the bill is cleared
  • The terms and conditions are subject to be reviewed and revised in the future by NISB management.

Usage Rates

  • NISB offers competitive rates for the use of equipment as well as training and service. Please download the full rate chart here.

Once trained, users can book instruments online using our booking system.

  • Instrument reservation is on a first come first serve basis. All users, have equal access for instrument booking.
  • There are no priority booking times, reserved timeslots or priority users.
  • If you find you are unable to use your booked sessions please cancel as soon as possible to allow others to make use of the instrument time.
    Usage charges will still apply for sessions canceled with less than 24 hours notice or if users fail to turn up.

Users are required to read and acknowledge the terms and conditions in the Guideline and Rules for NISB Biophysics and Biochemistry Platform.

Please acknowledge our facility in any scientific publication or oral presentation where the data presented are collected from our instruments or with the help of NISB staff.

NISB should be acknowledged in the publications and presentation as follows: 

“The authors acknowledge the use of NISB Biophysics and Biochemistry Platform at NTU Institute of Structural Biology (NISB), Nanyang Technological University”

Significant scientific and intellectual contribution of NISB staff, either collaboration and/or supervision, warrants the co-authorship on any resulting publications.