Mr Mah Bow Tan

Mr Mah Bow Tan
Adjunct Professor

Former Member of Parliament of Singapore
Former Minister for Communications, Environment, and National Development

Mr Mah Bow Tan was an elected Member of Parliament for Singapore’s Tampines Group Representation Constituency from 1988 to 2015. He served in the Government holding various portfolios since 1988: Ministry of Trade and Industry, Ministry of Communications and Information, Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of National Development, where he served as Minister from 1999 to 2011, when he retired from Government.

Mr Mah’s involvement and experience spans the private, public and people sectors. In the private sector, he has been with Singapore Bus Services, Singapore News and Publications Ltd and Singapore Press Holdings Ltd.

In the public sector, Mr Mah was responsible for the opening up of the telecommunications market (SingTel). He also established Singapore’s Land Transport Authority by merging the road and rail regulatory authorities. He also set up the Maritime Port Authority.

As Minister for National Development since 1999, Mr Mah guided Singapore’s physical development through sustainable land use planning and urban development. He spearheaded the conceptualisation and implementation of Singapore’s new downtown at Marina Bay. He co-chaired the Inter-Ministerial Committee for Sustainable Development, which published the blueprint for Singapore’s sustainable development to cultivate Singapore as an efficient, clean and green city state.

Mr Mah was involved in fostering Singapore’s economic relations with China in various capacities: as Co-Adviser of the Singapore-Sichuan Trade and Investment Committee, from 1996 to 2006, and as Co-Chairman to the Singapore-Tianjin Trade and Economic Council, from 2006 to 2011. He also spearheaded the Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City project, a Government-to-Government project by China and Singapore to develop a city which is sustainable, scaleable and replicable.

Mr Mah served the Labour Movement in various capacities for more than three decades. He was Chairman of the National Productivity Board, Chairman of the Singapore Institute of Labour Studies and Chairman of the Singapore Labour Foundation from 2002 to 2011.

Mr Mah is currently Distinguished Advisor to the Centre for Liveable Cities Singapore, Chairman of GlobalCities Consult Pte Ltd, a consulting entity as well as Adjunct Professor at Nanyang Technological University’s Nanyang Centre for Public Administration (NCPA), and at National University of Singapore’s Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy.

His awards include the Medal of Honour awarded by the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) for distinguished service to the Labour Movement.

Mr Mah studied at the University of New South Wales, Australia, graduating with First-Class Honours in Industrial Engineering (1971) and a Master of Engineering degree in Operations Research (1973). He was conferred an Honorary Doctor of Science degree by the University of New South Wales in 2006. ​​​​





在公共服务领域,马先生负责开拓新加坡电信市场(新电讯)。他负责将陆路和铁路监管机构合并为新加坡陆路交通管理局。他也设立了新加坡海事及港务管理局。 ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

马先生在担任国家发展部长期间(1999年至2011年),引导了新加坡在土地可持续利用的规划和城市发展方面的实质进展。他也引领新加坡滨海湾新市区的规划与落实。马先生是可持续发展跨部门委员会的联合主席。该委员会发布了新加坡可持续发展的蓝图,以期将新加坡建设为一个高效、干净与绿化的城市国家。 ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

马先生也通过所担任的重要职务积极促进新加坡与中国的经贸关系,这些要职包括新加坡-四川贸易与投资委员会的特别顾问(1996年至2006年)以及新加坡-天津经济贸易理事会联合主席(2006年至2011年)。他也积极推进了中新天津生态城项目,这是新加坡和中国的一项政府对政府的项目,旨在发展一个具有可持续、可扩展和可复制特色的现代城市。 ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

马先生在过去三十多年中也曾为工运担任多个要职。他在2002年至2011年间曾分别担任过新加坡国家生产力局、新加坡劳工研究所及新加坡劳工基金的主席。 ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

马先生目前是南洋理工大学公共管理研究生院的客座教授。他也是新加坡宜居城市中心的特别顾问、咨询公司GlobalCities Consult Pte Ltd主席以及新加坡国立大学李光耀公共政策学院的客座教授。 ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

马先生曾荣获多个奖章,包括由新加坡全国职工总会颁发的荣誉奖章,以表扬他为工运所做出的杰出贡献。 ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

马先生1971年毕业于澳洲新南威尔斯大学,获工业工程一等荣誉学位,1973年再获工程硕士学位。在2006年,他被新南威尔斯大学授予荣誉科学博士学位。 ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​