Graduate Studies

Applications for bond deferment must be made at least 2-3 months BEFORE your graduate studies start date, or immediately upon receipt of your offer letter for graduate studies.
You must apply for bond deferment regardless of the University (local or overseas) you intend to pursue your graduate studies.

Contact Bond Management team via email at  [email protected] and provide your undergraduate matriculation number and a copy of the admission offer letter for your deferment request.

Please also note the following regarding your bond deferment application:
- Approval is reviewed on case by case basis and is not guaranteed. 
- Scholars who have successfully applied for bond deferment are not eligible to apply for airfare reimbursement.
Bond deferment for further studies will be capped at:
Master     2 years
​PhD       5 years
Further extension of bond deferment will be considered on a case-by-case basis subject to the submission of documentary proof in support of your appeal. 
If your bond deferment application is approved, you will be required to execute a Supplemental Agreement and put up a Banker's Guarantee (BG). BG should be placed in a MAS-approved bank in Singapore. Please contact Bond Administrator at [email protected] to submit your original BG.

 Location of graduate studies BG required - Liquidated Damages (LD)​​ 
​ In Singapore 20% of estimated LD
​ Overseas 100% of estimated LD
There is no waiver (or appeal) for BG. For bond transfer (e.g. to A*STAR), you may contact your Bond Administrator at [email protected]
Any approval granted for the deferment of your bond is specific to the institution and course of study indicated in the submitted documents. The BG placed is specific to the period and purpose of that one deferment request that has been approved and cannot be transferred for use for a different course of study or purpose without prior approval.

Your BG will be invoked / claimed towards the payment of your liquidated damages should it be found that you have not alerted us of any change of course of study or purpose of deferment.

Your BG will only be released to you after you submit the proof of employment in any Singapore-entity company.

**For BG equivalent cases, the BG will be released upon the expiry date or when scholar have completed 6-years bond.

If you have found employment with a Singapore-entity company during your approved bond deferment period, you must inform us to terminate your deferment before starting work. Otherwise, your employment during the approved deferment period will not be counted towards your bond fulfilment.
Any request for a second bond deferment will not be considered and supported unless you have already served at least three years of your scholarship bond.
Once your bond deferment request has been approved, you must apply to defer your Tuition Grant bond. You may contact MOE TG online or MOE Tuition Grant (TG) Section pertaining to your TG bond (if applicable).