Application for August 2025 admission will be open from 4 November 2024 to 31 January 2025.
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The Master of Science (Managerial Economics) seeks to groom leaders with an acumen in strategic thinking and managerial decision making in the context of business, government and society. The programme integrates economic theory with management practice to meet public and private sector challenges.
The interdisciplinary nature of this programme brings about a focus on applying economic theory to sharpen policy design. Spanning flourishing ambits that include finance, technology, data, research and professional development skills, the programme is delivered through an immersive learning experience with class discussions, symposiums, as well as group projects, in addition to lectures and seminars.
Unique Economics Masters Programme
- Apply economic theories and build managerial skills to steer your organisation through this volatile global landscape.
- Develop advanced knowledge and skills to support decision-making and forward planning.
- Benefit from a holistic learning experience with a rigorous and focused curriculum coupled with multidisciplinary faculty.
- Glean insights from practitioners with exceptional managerial experience, including current and former politicians, senior Singapore government officials, and experts across various sectors and domains.
- Join an extensive global network of close to NCPA alumni who hold decision-making positions at all levels of government in their countries, including roles such as ministerial-level leaders, mayors and heads of organisations.
Applicants should possess:
- A bachelor’s degree in good standing from an accredited university or college is required for all applicants.
- Possess such other qualifications as the Academic Board may approve.
For students from universities where English is not the medium of instruction, a good IELTS/TOEFL test score is required. Test dates must be within 2 years or less from date of application. The minimum test scores is as follows:
Type Of Test |
Minimum Test Score |
Score of 6.5 |
Paper-based: 580 |
In light of the post-Covid-19 pandemic, we have implemented revised requirements for admission test scores. It is important to note that we will exclusively accept the following online tests for admission. Additionally, these tests must have been taken no later than 31 December 2023. Test report reflecting date beyond 31 December 2023, will not be eligible to meet admission requirements.
- TOEFL iBT Special Home Edition
- TOEFL ITP Plus for China students
- IELTS Indicator
Note: Existing final year undergraduate students may apply for admission with a softcopy of their provisional degree certificate and/or yearly examination results to date. Original degree certificate and academic transcripts/complete yearly results must be provided for verification at the point of matriculation.
Tuition Fees
The tuition fee for each local/international student is S$38,000 (including GST) for AY2024. This fee excludes miscellaneous fees (health check-up, entry visa, student's pass, accommodation, meals, overseas immersion, etc.).
Every year, fees are reviewed and subject to revisions. As and when fees are revised, the new fees will be applicable to new students. All fees listed are in Singapore dollars (S$) and are inclusive of Goods and Services Tax (GST).
NTU Post-graduate Incentives
To encourage lifelong learning and make postgraduate education more accessible, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) is introducing new initiatives to defray the cost of a majority of its coursework-based master’s programmes starting from the new academic year in 2024.
All Singaporeans and Permanent Residents:
From the academic year starting in 2024, Singaporeans and permanent residents who enrol in self-funded master’s by coursework programmes at NTU will enjoy a $5,000 subsidy, with those in need of financial aid will receive up to $10,000.
All NTU Alumni:
All NTU alumni will receive an additional 10 per cent tuition fee rebate. These initiatives, announced by NTU President Prof Ho Teck Hua at the NTU Alumni Homecoming event, are meant to promote lifelong learning and make postgraduate education more accessible for all.
The new alumni rebate and subsidy for a majority of NTU’s coursework-based master’s programmes add to the University’s efforts to encourage lifelong learning.
Fee Payment Schedule
The tuition fee is payable on an instalment basis, across two semesters for full-time students, and three semesters for part-time students.
Miscellaneous fees are applicable to both local and international students. Please click here for the updated fees.
Application Deadline
The programme offers two intakes each year.

Check the updates above for the exact application dates.
Step 1: |
Applications are to be submitted online. Any other forms of submission will not be accepted. |
Step 2: |
Submit your application form and upload your supporting documents online. Please use the application guide to ensure that you have uploaded all the required supporting documents |
Only complete applications will be processed for assessment. An application is deemed completed only if the following are met:
Please note that only shortlisted applicants will be notified.
MME-E programme admits both full-time and part-time students with a period of candidature between 1 and 4 years.
Period of Study
Full-time — 2 semesters (1 year), maximum 4 Semesters.
Part-time — 4 semesters (2 years), maximum 8 Semesters.
There are 2 semesters in an academic year with 13 teaching weeks per semester.
Students need to complete 10 courses, comprising 2 core courses and 8 electives, to graduate. Students who fulfil academic requirements can take on a capstone paper in lieu of 2 full electives.
10 courses | 2 Core Courses 8 Elective Courses |
8 courses with capstone | 2 Core Courses 6 Elective Courses Capstone Paper |
Each course counts as 3 Academic Units (AUs), with the Capstone paper as 6 AUs. A total of 30 AUs is required for graduation.
All students are required to complete 2 core courses. For the elective courses, students will need to select 8 electives or 6 electives if they are opting for the capstone paper.
Managerial Economics is an introductory to intermediate microeconomic course specially designed for master students in managerial economics. The main purpose of this course is to enable students to understand and master the science of optimal allocation of scarce resources. This is the foundation of informed decision-making in the management of a business or other organization. This is also the foundation for learning all the other economics courses.
ME6002 Macroeconomics: Theory & Applications
This course will equip you with the skills to understand the following issues: (1) Why USA can print money without suffering from inflation and currency devaluation. (2) Why a small economy like Singapore can maintain low inflation and strong currency. (3) Due to change in economic conditions, you can predict what fiscal policy the government will undertake and what monetary policy the central bank will pursue. The analytical framework is simple without mathematics.
ME6101 Behavioural Policy Analysis
Behavioural Economics studies how psychological limitations influence economic decision-makings. Those who design and implement public policy can make use of Behavioural Economics to achieve the stated objectives in public policy effectively.
ME6102 Data Science for Economists
Applied Economic Research focuses on creating quantitative studies that are used in both private and public sector organisations. This course comprises of two parts: (1) The theoretical segment of the class focuses on how to properly frame an economic research question. (2) The applied segment of the class aims to explain the basics of survey design, going down to the ground to collect information, processing and cleaning up raw data, analysing the data and writing up a formal research paper.
ME6103 Wealth Management & Fintech
This course introduces contemporary issues in the financial market. It covers the history and new global asset allocation strategies. It discusses the cutting-edge knowledge and concepts in dealing with the emerging financial technologies (FinTech). The course offers frameworks and analyses for the current technology landscape across inclusive financial and insurance sectors, as well as emerging technologies, such as AI, Blockchain, Cloud & Cyber Security, Data Analytics, Environmental-friendly Technology, Financial Inclusion, 5G, and Quantum Computing (ABCDEFGQ). LASIC principle, Hinternet, 3Cs, 3Hs, 6Ds, 7Ws and other new concepts will be presented. By the end of the course, students will be able to upgrade their technology literacy, articulate and apply these new concepts of emerging disruptive technologies, use new approaches to evaluate inclusive FinTech projects, and develop critical thinking and perspectives, for instance, accelerators management, blockchain implementation and Initial Token Offerings, connecting digital asset allocation in FinTech with portfolio management, angel fund, PE/VC investment in a trustless world.
ME6104 Risk Management for Financial Institutes
This course will provide students with a comprehensive understanding of financial risk and its management in financial institutions. It aims to develop a critical awareness of the theoretical and practical problems associated with financial risk, as well as the risk analysis and risk management techniques that can be applied to minimise these risks.
ME6105 Data Analytics
This course introduces students the world of data analysis, and provides an overview of machine learning, data mining and statistic techniques that arise in real data analytic applications. Topics covered in the course include theories and applications about the classification methods, clustering analysis, logistic regression model, discriminant analysis, artificial neural network, support vector machine and model evaluation methods.
ME6106 Financial and Risk Analytics
This course provides the foundations of relevant fields of risk management such as market risk and credit risk. You will gain a deep understanding of how financial products and their evaluation models work. Those studying for the FRM (Financial Risk Manager) exam will find the course useful.
ME6107 Efficiency in Energy Market
The energy market featured a unique mix of regulation and market driven incentives is undergoing a fundamental change from being centralized and carbon intensive to decentralized and low carbon so as to achieve the goals initiated by the Paris Agreement. Drawing on the tools of economics, we will study the economic, industrial, and public policy issues that recent changes have raised in energy markets.
ME6108 Time Series Analysis and Forecasting
The course is mainly about time series models. It covers regression models, stationary ARIMAs models, non-stationary models, seasonal ARIMA models, as well as GARCH models. The course will also present case studies to students on real-world applications.
ME6109 Urban Economic Policy and Development Strategy
The modern world has entered into an age of industrialization for most of the countries. Urbanization accompanies the same time with this process. With more than 50 percent population in urban areas now and there will be more in the future, urban and regional development become very important to human life. Drawing on economic tools, the course will look at using policies to meet the challenges to modern cities by the technology development and globalization, as well as the economic competitiveness of a city.
Urban Economic Policy and Development Strategy covers key issues in urban management and regional development. It will cover Important topics with economic theories on urban land use efficiency, housing markets and housing policy, public sector pricing (water, electricity, public transport), the effect of urbanization (industrial clustering and agglomeration economy)
ME6110 Strategic Management and Business Policy
In the era of industry 4.0, competitions between and among countries and organizations are competitions for technological innovation. Technological innovation policy is the most important business policy for any business now Technological innovation is the most important driver for economic development in the last 100 years. It will be more so after the COVID-19 pandemic. A country or an organization that have capacities and talents to conduct technological innovation will have significant edge in increasingly competitive international market. History has shown that whether a country or an organization has its strategy to forester and development innovation does matter.
This course introduces the theories and analytical frameworks on how to understand the attributes of technology development and innovation in the era of internet. With this understanding this course introduces students with strategic management tools to plan and manage the innovation process in their organizations.
Many companies engage in cross-border business and they face challenging financial questions beyond those found in a purely domestic setting. Some on-going challenges that all managers and economists dealing with economic issues of various countries have to face include foreign exchange rate fluctuations that need to be managed to create good business performance. Occasionally, they find themselves in a global financial crisis that creates substantial disruption to work and livelihood. The course aims to provide the students with an in-depth understanding of the global financial environments that managers and economists have to deal with in the course of their careers.
The course covers important concepts and tools that help manage international financial risks, both derivatives, and non-derivatives. The course also addresses the complications that foreign direct investment typically encounters and offer methods for assessment and risk management.
Part I: Network Economy
As the internet and other IT technologies are being widely used in and between business enterprises and government administrations, the way goods and/or services are produced, the way they are traded and exchanged, the way the business activities are organized and managed, and the way we live are all being fundamentally changed. In a panoramic view, the economy is undergoing a whole new paradigm shift, moving from “Point-wise” to “Network-wise”. Doing business in the Network Economy requires new methods and new business models. But true innovative methods and models can only grow out of new philosophies, thinking, and principles. This course is explorative in essence. Based on a preliminary new theory on the Network Economy developed uniquely by the lecturer of this course, we will first discuss the significant implications of the “six-lizations” of the modern economic trends: “globalization, informational-lization, network-lization, specialization, personalization, and knowledge-lization,” and analyse the relationship of the five flows "people flow, logistics flow, financial flow, information flow, business flow" and how they play an important role in managing today’s enterprises. We will then lay down a set of principles of the Network Economy. The theory, both in micro and macro, can explain, for example, the reasons behind Singapore’s economic success. The principles can also guide an enterprise to renovate its business model dynamically to create sustainable values. As one most important takeaway, participants will develop a new thinking model and mindset changing from point-wise thinking to network-wise thinking.
Part II: Supply Chain and Logistics Management
The topic on Supply Chain and Logistics Management will be discussed in the framework of Network Economy established in Part I. Supply chain and logistics management deals with the management of materials, information and financial flows in a network consisting of suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, and customers across all activities such as designing, purchasing, manufacturing, distributing, and customer services. The coordination and integration of these flows within and across companies are critical to achieving supply chain efficiency and effectiveness. Management of the supply chain requires understanding the network as well as sound technical and managerial skills.
This part covers both strategic and operational issues in supply chain and logistics management. It will introduce key concepts, principles, best practices, innovative ideas, and critical thinking of integrative supply chain and logistics management. Topics include supply chain and logistics strategies and design, inventory systems and models, e-retailing, push and pull, risk pooling, centralizing/decentralizing, postponement, cross docking, CPFR, QCR, ECR, VMI, etc. It does not aim at knowledge-filling, but focuses on fundamental principles, approaches, analytic reasoning and insightful topical discussions.
Understanding the customer decision journey (CDJ) and customer experiences at various touchpoints is essential in marketing, and the CDJ in the digital age has many different manifestations that challenge the boundaries of traditional business practices. Insights derived from data analytics on the CDJ are extremely useful to marketers in the digital era, providing a unique framework to understand customers, monitor products, quantify campaigns’ effectiveness, and support business decision-making.
This course lays out the foundation by explaining the frameworks and strategies of digital marketing analytics and the practical methods of applying digital data to real-world business issues.
This course focuses on the different measures to examine the effectiveness of digital marketing campaigns. Moreover, practical tools and techniques for collecting, analyzing, and visualizing web data are covered in the course. Students will get a better understanding of consumers’ insights by making sense of the data gathered across various digital platforms. This course also highlights the new technology trends and challenges faced when making use of data.
ME6114 Public Economics: Principles and Practice
This course applies the theories of microeconomics and finance to analyze social economic benefits and costs of private and public projects, public goods and public choices, public finance and public-private partnership, social welfare system and the management of state-owned assets. The Singapore’s experiences in the public sector economic development and policies will be intensively covered as case studies.
ME6115 Macroeconomic and Financial Policies in the Global Digital Age
This course examines the goals of macroeconomic and financial policy in ensuring growth, price and financial stability. It provides students with both the theory and the practical tools to assess an economy and the policy trade-offs necessary to achieve growth and inclusion. It incorporates the latest thinking in policymaking and highlights how the digitalisation of the economy is transforming finance and its implications for financial inclusion and regulation.
ME6116 Labour Markets for Inclusive Society
This course takes an unconventional look at the labour markets. Traditional analysis of labour markets is no longer valid for the Political Economy of the world today. Unemployment is no longer tolerated by the electorate. Besides employment, our young want wages to be able to buy a house and to provide good education for their children and also able to attain effective healthcare for their families. In other words, labour markets must be made to deliver an inclusive society. But the labour markets would not naturally deliver the inclusive society unless there is good intervention by the government on one hand and on the other, employers, labour unions and individual workers must take their respective social responsibility into account in their daily routine.
In other words, public policy has to more inclusive in the labour markets. Employers have to take their social responsibility in the labour markets more seriously. Labour unions must put the interest of the nation first before worrying about union membership. Last but far from least, each individuals have to take matters into their own hands by adopting lifelong learning attitude. Labour markets must be managed to serve all stakeholders in the society.
ME6117 Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development
This course examines the theories and practices of leadership in the environmental economic and sustainable development sectors by exploring several key themes and topics. These include environmental economics; environmental pollution and control; global climate change; water crisis and solution; solid and toxic waste, air emission; the relationship between economy and sustainability; new resources including NEWater and waste-to-energy (WET) management: Singapore experience; water supply and resources in China; economic and political measures for sustainable development; environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) hypothesis models; economic & financial evaluation of environmental projects including BOT, BOO, PPT; carbon emission and its potential impacts on economic activities; innovation, new technology, enterprise.
ME6118 Portfolio Risk and Performance Analysis
This course introduces the conceptual framework of portfolio risk and performance analysis, with an emphasis on the practical aspects and implementation considerations. It covers the full process, from setting the investment objectives and risk constraints at the initiation of a portfolio, to ongoing risk analysis, and the evaluation of the portfolio’s performance.
ME6119 Data Governance and Management
This course introduces the foundational knowledge and essential skills in the area of data management and governance. The course contents are applicable to all industries but additional emphasis is placed on the fund management industry. The usage of data in the fund management industry is among the largest, and the most complex and has huge implications for fund performances.
ME6120 Financial Economics
This course provides a systematic exposition of the working of financial markets and securities valuation methods. The aim is to develop a thorough understanding of the theories of asset pricing as well as skills in portfolio management. This module will be particularly valuable for students who are preparing themselves for a career in the financial industry.
ME6121 International Trade & logistics economy
The main objective of the course is to provide an overview of international trade and logistics economy and its concepts, with a special emphasis on the international and dynamic aspects in its management. The course will equip students who aspire to be leading strategists with a comprehensive understanding of cluster and hub concepts, case studies and real-world practices. At the end of the course, you should be able to appreciate the complexities and interrelationships of various components in an international trade and logistics economy, as well as how countries and enterprises build sustained competitiveness in fast-changing environments.
ME6122 International Trade
This course covers the basic tools and methods used in international trade before diving deeper into trade policies, political economy of trade, regional agreements with an emphasis on RCEP, de-globalization/regionalization and international institutions. This helps students to understand and analyse any trade-related cases using the tools and methods covered in this course for their future career.
ME6123 Corporate Finance
This course is an intensive introduction to the principles and practice of corporate financial management that analysts and managers should understand from practitioners’ point of view to make the content applicable to daily business decisions.
ME6124 Economic Analysis: A Python Application
The course is designed to equip our students with most relevant and popular programming functions in Python for better employment opportunities in both economics/finance related and data science related jobs.
ME6125 Cost Benefit Analysis: Concepts & Practice
The aim of the course is to provide students with an up-to-date and understandable analytical framework to conduct Cost Benefit Analysis. Various case studies will be discussed to provide students with both theoretical and practical discussions of the conceptual and institutional issues that must be addressed when adopting CBA as this tool becomes increasingly important around the world.
ME6126 Fixed Income Securities
Fixed-Income securities provide investors with a stream of fixed periodic interest payments and the eventual return of principal at maturity. In this course, we aim to understand more about the structure of different fixed income securities and explore how term structure models of interest rates are used for pricing fixed income derivatives. We will also discuss the issues that come with managing fixed income risks.
The course is targeted at students who are interested in pursuing a career in fields such as banking and finance, insurance and risk management.
ME6127 Global Economy
In the past few decades, economies of many nations have become more globalized. The interlinkages among countries have increased, and when situations change in some countries, the rest of the world also feel the impact. In the past few years, the globalization trend started to reverse due to the anti-globalization sentiment of some politicians and interest groups. Several economies have also been adversely affected by this change.
This course will give students an in-depth understanding of the economic conditions of the world in the last few decades, the increasing interlinkages that we have experienced, the reversal of this trend, and the implications on the future of business management and financial transactions. We will explore root causes of several financial crises that had greatly disrupted global economy and business viability to shed light on the common pre-crisis signs that managers can use to prepare for the worst. This understanding and ability to anticipate and prepare for a crisis will greatly improve the ability of a business to survive, which is crucial for the students of this generation as they will have to bring their businesses to success under this constraint.
ME6202 China and the International Political Economy
This course examines the rise of China and the changing international political economy over the past four decades, which have witnessed substantial transformations in globalization and technological innovation. It focuses on three inter-connected contexts: 1) the rising China and its domestic and diplomatic policy dimensions; 2) the implications of a rising China for the Asian regional order, including the China model of development and its latest efforts in the establishment the “Belt and Road” strategy; 3) the impact of global governance and international political economy (IPE) on China, and vice verse. This course intends to introduce a series of theoretical concepts and methodological devices in the IPE in the attempt to grasp with these changing processes and their implications for policies and social sciences.
ME6203 The Psychology of Design Thinking
Psychology plays an important role in design thinking, a problem-solving methodology that aims to generate innovative solutions to address human needs. This course will teach students how to create human-centered products and services based on core characteristics of human psychology. Topics include psychological characteristics, interaction models, task analysis, contextual inquiry, service design, and emotional design.
ME6204 Blockchain System and Revolution
This course starts by discussing what blockchain is about, and goes in-depth to explore Bitcoin and Ethereum, two of the most representative blockchain technology enablers. It also introduces smart contracts and how one may program smart contracts to achieve contract automation. With this basic knowledge of blockchain, the course explores and discusses the impact of blockchain on law and legal matters, ethics and data privacy, governance and the public sector, and the financial and business sectors.
ME6205 Public Policy and Administration in Asia
Public Policy and Administration in Asia provides an overview of how governments identify priorities, develop and administer policies, and remain relevant in an evolving society. While the examples used in this course are predominately written in the Singapore context, the content is adapted for students in Asia. This course also provides a comparative study of selected countries in Asia, thereby sharing and analysing best practices.
ME6206 Economic Issues for Public Decision Making
This course introduces you to an in-depth examination of the forces that influence the behavior of public administrators engaged in the public sector decision-making process on economic and budgeting issues. A fundamental purpose of the course is to train you to have the economic way of thinking and to show how that approach enables you to make more informed and better choices at an advanced level. Specifically, in this course, you will be exposed to concepts and tools that will allow you to: (1) apply economic knowledge to help solve current public sector challenges; (2) evaluate arguments advocating or criticizing certain approaches to addressing policy issues; and (3) incorporate economic and budgeting principles into how they approach decision in daily life.
ME6207 Corporate Communication Management
This course prepares you to be an effective public communicator in an organizational context, especially in the issues typically faced by organization leaders. We accomplish this goal by gaining a solid understanding of the history, theory, and practice of corporate communication.
ME6208 AI Frontiers and Digital Transformation
This course offers a comprehensive journey through the evolution, current state, and future prospects of Artificial Intelligence (AI) within the digital economy. Designed for professionals, entrepreneurs and students who are keen on understanding and leveraging AI's transformative power. The course covers the development of AI technologies, the critical infrastructure that supports them, and the impact of digitalization across various industries. Students will explore AI readiness in different sectors, the role of AI in shaping the future workplace, and the ethical considerations surrounding AI deployment. Through a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical application, including hands-on labs and real-world case studies, students will develop the skills needed to create AI-enhanced solutions for the challenges we faced today.
ME6999 Capstone Paper
MME candidates are required to write a paper that identifies and addresses a critical gap in knowledge about a particular issue in policy or management, which is relevant and significant. The candidates are expected to find a topic and supervisor by the end of the first semester, begin work on the capstone paper in the beginning of the second semester and submit the capstone paper by the end of the second semester. A capstone paper has to be written individually. The marking scheme will be based on contribution to existing knowledge in theory, policy implementation and impact.
Class Schedule
Classes are typically conducted on:
Mondays to Fridays |
9.30am – 12.30pm |
Saturdays to Sundays | 9.30am – 12.30pm 2.00pm– 5.00pm |
On-Campus accommodation
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