
The NTU Library strives to maintain and update its resources, tools and guides to meet the changing needs of the NTU community. As of January 2020, NTU Library provides access to over 800,000 print books, 1 million e-books, 90,000 audio-visual materials, 100,000 journal titles and more. View full Statistical Profile.

Use OneSearch to search across the Library’s print, electronic and audio-visual collections.

Please adhere to the Library’s Appropriate Use of Information Resources policy when using library materials.

Understand and follow copyright and licensing rules in using and sharing content subscribed by the Library.


View list of databases subscribed by the Library.



Browse journal titles by category or search by title.



Limit Resource Type to “Books (Electronic)” when using OneSearch to locate e-books.


Research Outputs

Discover research papers, reports, theses and research data on NTU’s very own digital repositories for the research outputs of the NTU community.


Past-Year Examination Papers

Availability of digitized past-year examination papers will be based on the decisions of individual schools and course instructors.


Request for Materials

For resources currently unavailable in the NTU collections, use the Request for Materials service.

Course Reserves are core readings and recommended textbooks selected by instructors for students of their respective courses.


Print and audio-visual Course Reserves can be borrowed at the following locations. Use OneSearch to find the exact location on the shelves.

Art, Design and MediaArt, Design & Media Library
BusinessLibrary Outpost
ChineseChinese Library
Communication & InformationCommunication & Information Library
EngineeringLee Wee Nam Library
Humanities and Social SciencesLibrary Outpost
ScienceLee Wee Nam Library

See library locations on map.



Course Reserves can only be borrowed for 2 or 4 hours. They must be returned at the same libraries from which they were borrowed.


Ordering titles for Course Reserves (For Instructors)

NTU CourseReserves is a collaborative, cloud-based course resource platform that is managed by the Library. Faculty can add books, e-books, videos and journal articles from the Library’s collection as well as open-access resources and websites to the reading (RBR) list. Refer to the LibGuide on NTU CourseReserves for more information.

LibGuides are librarian-curated guides that consists of a range of resources that cater to various research areas and disciplines in NTU.

Course Blogs are used by some instructors to compile course materials and/or to showcase works by students. 

A series of content specially created to help NTU freshmen embark on a rewarding educational journey.

Full Text Tools

Unlock access to full-text articles seamlessly using Full Text @ NTU Library tools.


Reference Management Software

NTU Library provides licensed versions of EndNote (desktop version) for students and staff. Information on Mendeley and Zotero are also available.

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