Published on 08 Sep 2021

"Be A Turtle, My Friend" - Tobyato's Street Art Journey

Catch Toby Tan or better known as Tobyato, our ADM alumnus (Class of 2019, Visual Communication), in Broadscope Journeys, a video series by a local YouTube channel thisisscope.

"It's OK to do things at your own pace and enjoy the journey as you go along. And take detours, and swerve left and right...get a sense of your own journey, and you can go at your own pace," as Toby shares in the interview about his journey from pursuing arts to making street art and doodling.

It is inspiring to see Toby pursuing his passion and making meaningful artwork accessible to everyone. Watch the whole interview here at

t is inspiring to see Toby pursuing his passion and making meaningful artwork accessible to everyone. Watch the whole interview here at!">


Nanyang Technological University, Singapore NTU School of Art, Design and Media (ADM) ADM Alumni Association #NTUsg #NTUsgAlumni #NTUADM #ADMAA #tobyato #VisualCommunication #StreetArt #doodle #SingaporeArtist