CM Curriculum AY2024 Intake

Academic Unit (AU) requirements for candidates admitted to the First Year of the programme
Type No of AU
Core 90
CC 17
FC 15
TCM Clinical Training- Core 16
TCM Clinical Internship (Intersemester) -Core 6
BDE (Free) 15
Total AU (Coursework) 137
Total AU (Coursework + Clinical Training/Internship) 159

(View with breakdown of coursework and clinical training/ internship)

Academic Unit (AU) requirements for candidates admitted to the First Year of the programme
Type No of AU
Core 112
CC 17
FC 15
BDE (Free) 15
Total AU 159

(In degree audit view)

 Type Course Code Course Title AU

Year 1
Semester 1

Core BS1103 Chinese Medicine Foundational Theories (中基-中医基础理论) 3
Core BS2101 Anatomy 3
Core BS1104 Ancient Chinese Literature studies (医古文文献选读) 2
Core BS1016 Physiology 3
CC CC0001 Effective Communication in an Interdisciplinary World 2
CC CC0002Navigating the Digital World2
CC CC0005 Healthy Living & Mental Wellbeing 3

Year 1
Semester 2
Core BS1005 Biochemistry I 3
Core BS3104 Pathology (病理学) 3
Core BS1105 Chinese Medicine Diagnostics (中诊-中医诊断学) 3
Core BS1106 Basics of Acupuncture(针灸基础学) 4
CC CC0003Ethics & Civics in a Multi-Cultural World2
BDE Any Any BDE 3
Core BS1107 CM clinical training 1 (13 weeks - 1 x 3 hr/week) 1

Year 1 InterSem
 FC (TCM clinical Internship) BS1108 CM clinical internship 1 (8 weeks - 5 x 8hr/week) 4

Year 2
Semester 1
Core BS2108 Clinical Acupuncture (针灸治疗学) 3
Core BS2109 CM Classic: Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine (中医经典-内经学) 2
Core BS2110 Materia Medica of Chinese Medicine (中草药学) 3
FC BS0004 Introduction to Data Science 3
CC CC0006 Sustainability: Human, Social, Economics & Environment 3
CC ML0004 Kickstart Your Career Success for a VUCA World 2
Core BS2111 CM clinical training 2 (13 weeks - 1 x 3 hr/week) 1

Year 2
Semester 2
Core BS2112 Chinese Medicine Tui-Na (中医推拿学) 4
Core BS2113 Pharmacology 3
Core BS2114 Chinese Medicine Pharmacology (中药药理学) 3
Core BS2115 Chinese Medicine Formulary (中医方剂学) 3
CC CC0007 Science & Technology for Humanity 3
FC HW0218 Communication Across the Sciences 2
Core BS2116 CM clinical training 3 (13 weeks - 2 x 3 hr/week) 2

Year 2 InterSem
FC (TCM clinical Internship) BS2117 CM clinical internship 2 (4 weeks - 5 x 8hr/week) 6
CM clinical internship 2 (8 weeks - 5 x 8hr/week)

Year 3
Semester 1
Core BS3110 Internal Medicine of Chinese Medicine (中医内科学)Part 1 5
Core BS3111 CM Classic: Treatise on Febrile Diseases (中医经典-伤寒论) 2
Core BS3112 Chinese Medicine Maintenance (中医养生学) 3
Core BS3113 Chinese Medicine Gynaecology (中医妇科学) 3
BDE Any Any BDE 3
Core BS3114 CM clinical training 4 (13 weeks - 3 x 3 hr/week) 3

Year 3
Semester 2
Core BS3115 Internal Medicine of Chinese Medicine (中医内科学)Part 2 5
Core BS3116 CM Classic: Synopsis of the Golden Chamber (中医经典-金匮要略) 2
Core BS3117 Chinese Medicine Paediatrics (中医儿科学) 3
Core BS3118 Chinese Medicine Geriatrics  (中医老年病学 ) 3
Core BS3119 Basics of Diagnostics(诊断学基础) 3
Core BS3120 CM clinical training 5 (13 weeks - 3 x 3 hr/week) 3

Year 3 InterSem
Core BS3121 CM clinical internship 3 (12 weeks - 5 x 8hr/week) 6

Year 4
Semester 1
Core BS4103 CM Classic: Seasonal Febrile Diseases (中医经典-溫病学) 2
Core BS4101 Modern Internal Medicine (西医内科学) 2
Core BS4102 External Medicine of Chinese Medicine (中医外科学) 4
BDE Any Any BDE 6
Core BS4104 CM clinical training 6 (13 weeks - 2 x 3 hr/week) 3
Western clinical training 6 (13 weeks - 1 x 3 hr/week)

Year 4
Semester 2
Core BS4105 Selected Literature in TCM (各家学说) 2
Core BS4106 Chinese Medicine Orthopaedics (中医骨伤科学) 3
Core BS4107 Chinese Medicine Oncology (中医肿瘤病学 ) 3
BDE Any Any BDE 3
BS4108 CM clinical training 7 (13 weeks - 2 x 3 hr/week)
Western clinical training 7 (13 weeks - 1 x 3 hr/week)
  Total 159

NTU reserves all rights to make changes to the programme structure with prior notice.​​​​​​​​​

Click here to view outcome-based teaching and learning (OBTL) course information.