BSPY Curriculum AY2020 Intake

B.Sc. (Hons) in Biological Sciences and Psychology

Curriculum and Course Description AY2020 and onwards

Year 1 Semester 1CoreBS1001Introductory Biology^3
CoreBS1002Biophysical Chemistry3
CoreBS1003Organic Chemistry3
CoreHP1000Introduction To Psychology3
CoreHP1100Fundamentals of Social Science Research3
Total AUs21

** Students will be pre-registered with GER-PE-BM (BU8101) in their first semester. Students may drop the pre-registered GER-PE-BM and register for other available GER-PEs.

Year 1 Semester 2CoreBS1005Biochemistry I3
CoreBS1006Principles of Genetics3
CoreBS1007Molecular & Cell Biology I3
CoreBS1009Introduction to Computational Thinking3
CoreBS1100Molecular and Cell Biology Techniques Level 13
GER-CoreGC0001Sustainability: Seeing through the Haze^1
CoreHP2100Research Design and Data Analysis in Psychology3
Total AUs19

Year 2 Semester 1CoreBS2001Physiology3
CoreBS2003Biochemistry II3
Major-PE-(From Table B)3
GER-CoreML0003Kickstart your Career Success1
GER-CoreBS0004Introduction to Data Science3
GER-CoreHW0111Communication: A Journey of Inquiry through Writing and Speech2
CoreHP2200Biological Psychology3
Total AUs21

Year 2 Semester 2Major-PE-(From Table A)3
GER-CoreHW0228Scientific Communication II2
GER-CoreHY0001Ethics and Moral Reasoning^1
CoreHP2600Cognitive Psychology3
CoreHP2700Abnormal Psychology3
Major-PE-(From Table C)6
Total AUs18

Year 3 Semester 1Major-PE-(From Table B)6
Major-PE-(From Table C)9
Total AUs18

Year 3 Semester 2Major-PE-(From Table A)9
Major-PE-(From Table C)3
Major-PE-(From Table D)4
GER-CoreET0001Entrepreneurship and Innovation^1
Total AUs17

Year 4 Semester 1Major-PE-(From Table C)9
Major-PE-(From Table D)8
Total AUs17

Year 4 Semester 2Major-PEBS4020Final Year Project Or12
Major-PE- BS4224 - Professional Internship
BS4223 - Professional Career Development
Total AUs12

^ Online courses

^^ Students are recommended to read BS4223 in Year 3 Sem 1 , Year 3 Sem 2 or Year 4 Sem 1 before going on Professional Internship.

Table A

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Table B

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Course CodeCourse TitleCourse AUs
HP2300Developmental Psychology3
HP2400Social Psychology3
HP2500Personality and Individual Differences3
HP3002Positive Psychology3
HP3003Engineering Psychology3
HP3004The Psychology of Food and Eating 
HP3101Applied Statistical Methods for Psychological Research3
HP3201Evolutionary Psychology3
HP3203Conservation Psychology3
HP3204An Ape’s Guide to Human Language3
HP3205Animal Behavior 
HP3206Environmental Psychology  
HP3302Cognitive Development3
HP3402Social Cognition3
HP3501Human Motivation3
HP3601Human Memory3
HP3603Sensation & Perception3
HP3702Child Psychopathology3
HP3703Health Psychology3
HP3704Introduction to Clinical Neuropsychology3
HP3708Biopsychosocial Criminology3
HP3802Personnel Psychology3
HP3804Psychological Testing3
HP3805Managing Organisational Behavior3
HP3806Consumer Psychology3
HP3807Occupational Health Psychology3
HP3900Selected topics in applied psychological sciences 
HP3901Cultural Psychology3
Course CodeCourse TitleCourse AUs
HP4002Qualitative Methods in Psychology4
HP4012Applied Multivariate Methods for Psychological Research4
HP4063Research lab in language in perception & thought 
HP4102Trauma Psychology and Crisis Management4
HP4103The Forensic Psychology of Crime, Terrorism and Disasters4
HP4104Evidence-based Practice in Clinical Psychology4
HP4105Correctional Psychology4
HP4106Mental Health in the Community4
HP4107Industrial-Organisational Psychology in Practice4
HP4200Seminar in Selected Topics  
HP4201Technology and Social Behaviour4
HP4202Criminal Behaviour 
HP4222The Neuroscience of Love4
HP4232Development of Self-Regulation4
HP4233Social Cognition in Childhood4
HP4242Advanced Topics in Social Cognition4
HP4243Intergroup relations4
HP4262Multisensory integration4
HP4263Language in Perception and Thought4
HP4271Cognitive Neuroplasticity4
HP4273Introduction to Functional MRI4
HP4274The Last Dance: Psycho-socio-cultural perspectives of Death, Dying and Bereavement4
HP4281Psychology of Leadership4
HP4282Negotiation and Conflict Resolution4
NTU reserves all rights to make changes to the programme structure with prior notice.​​​​​​​​​