SaRC is proud to have established many good fundamental frameworks. The experience and exposure the team created shall be enhanced toward a new application.

The centre's research capabilities are demonstrated in the following 5 key areas: 

Satellite Heritage

Satellite Heritage

Valuable experiences gained from the successful launches of 1U, 2U, 3U, 6U and 100kg satellites and processing of space data are great fundamentals for the team to enhance their disciplinary expertise in future application.

Satellite Development Facilities 

The satellite can be developed, assembled, experimented and tested in the centre, utilizing state-of-the art equipment and facilities not limiting to the Thermal Vacuum Chamber, facilities in the Clean Room and fully equipped S, X, UHF, VHF mission control centres.

24/7 operational mission control centre

24/7 Operational mission control centre

The mission control centre has fully automated operation, tracking NTU satellites in orbit round the clock daily (24/7).  In an equatorial orbit, there are about 14 passes over NTU per day.

Tap to International Parties

Tap on expertise of International Parties

SaRC collaborates with international partner to share and tap on each other's expertise. SaRC has a Joint lab with Thales Group (S4TIN), and launched 3 satellites with Japan Kyutech.

Inter-disciplined Faculty, Researchers, Engineers

Interdisciplinary Faculty, Researchers and Engineers

As a window to NTU space activities, SaRC is linking up closely with various NTU centres on different space technologies. There are experts on space environment, physic plasma, quantum, material, aerodynamic, thermal, robotic, structure, AI, …