Dr Zhang Huimei

Dr Zhang Huimei
Research Fellow

​Contact: (65) 6592 2692 / 69083442
Email: [email protected]
Office location: S3.2-B4-Room 21 



Research Interests
The history of Chinese migrants, Qiaopi and Qiaokan, Chinese migrants and BRI, Singapore’s talent strategy, etc. 


Dr Zhang is a Research Fellow at the Nanyang Centre for Public Administration and Chinese Heritage Centre, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore). Earlier, she was a Managing Editor and Research Associate in the Centre for Chinese Language at NTU Singapore. She graduated from Zhongshan (Sun Yat-sen) University in 2003 and received her PhD from NUS in 2007. Her thesis is titled Imagining Homeland, Localizing Identity, and Constructing the Nation-State: The Teochew Community in Singapore and Malaysia, 1945–1965. She has published several academic articles in journals and books. She has worked as Editor-in-Chief, Associate Editor-in-Chief or Executive Editor for several research books and journals. Her most recent books are Chinese Emigrants Write Home, 1900s-1980s: A Bilingual Anthology of Family Letters (Co-editor with Gregor Benton and Liu Hong) and Qiaopi Trade and Transnational Networks in the Chinese Diaspora (Co-editor with Gregor Benton and Liu Hong).


电话: (65) 6592 2692 / 69083442
电邮地址: [email protected]


张博士现为南洋理工大学南洋公共管理研究生院及华裔馆研究员。曾为南洋理⼯大学华文教研中心主编及副研究员。她于2003年毕业于中国中⼭⼤学,并于2007年获取新加坡国立大学博⼠学位。她的博士论文为《家园想象、地域认同与民族国家的建构:以新马潮人社群(1945–1965)为中心》。 她也曾于各种期刊、著作中发表研究论文若干,并担任部分研究著作及期刊的主播、副主编或执行编辑。她最新出版的著作为《家书抵万金:二十世纪华人移民书信选注》(与班国瑞、刘宏合编)和《侨批与海外华人跨国网络》(与班国瑞、刘宏合编)。