Published on 16 Jun 2022

CRADLE Director speaks at CONFINTEA VII


Professor SH Annabel Chen, Director of CRADLE, will be speaking at CONFINTEA VII on the Science of Lifelong Learning: Neuropsychological Perspectives in the session on A new window on health and well-being through adult learning and education (ALE).

From 15 to 17 June 2022, participants from across the globe will come together for the Seventh International Conference on Adult Education (CONFINTEA VII) in Marrakech, Morocco. They will take stock of achievements in adult learning and education, discuss challenges, and develop a new framework for action to make adult learning and education a reality around the world. CONFINTEA VII is hosted by the Kingdom of Morocco and co-organized with UNESCO. 

Adult education matters
The COVID-19 pandemic showed the importance of adult education. Only if everybody – young and old – is able to learn can we solve global challenges such as COVID-19 together. Only if all of us have the chance to adapt to new developments and acquire the knowledge necessary to act jointly to solve global challenges will we be able to create fairer, more just and sustainable societies. A rapidly developing world does not allow for learning to finish with the end of compulsory or higher education. It requires lifelong learning for all.