Chinese Phonetics (Hanyu Pinyin) 汉语拼音

Chinese Phonetics (Hanyu Pinyin) is a romanisation system for standard Chinese. Mastering it can strengthen the pronunciation of Chinese, and facilitate Chinese input as it is the basis for Chinese word processing using the Pinyin keyboard.
CI-NTU’s Chinese Phonetics programme is suitable for anyone who can converse in Chinese but not familiar with how Pinyin works. It consists of two courses: (I) Introduction to Chinese Phonetics (II) Enhanced Level on Chinese Phonetics.
Course Highlights
- Eligible trainees enjoy 50% NSA subsidy and use of SkillsFuture Credits (SFC).
- Expand your network, connect with people from different backgrounds and professions who share the same interest in Chinese language and culture.
- Qualified trainers with practical teaching experience.
Course Objectives
- Learn about initials, finals and tones.
- Correct and strengthen accuracy of pronunciation.
- Learn Chinese input methods for typing on computers and mobile devices.
- Improve the spelling ability and confidence in using Pinyin through many typing exercises.
Course Structure
Course Outline
Introduction to Chinese Phonetics |
Enhanced Level on Chinese Phonetics |
Medium of Instruction
Chinese / English (Minimal)
Our trainers are experienced, having undergone professional training and possess at least the Advanced Certificate in Learning and Performance (ACLP) or Advanced Certificate in Training and Assessment (ACTA) certification.
Pre-Entry Requirement
- Applicants must possess basic Chinese conversation skills.
- Those who has never received training in Chinese Phonetics should start from the Introduction level.
Post-Course Test
A post-course test will be conducted during the last lesson of the course, in order to be awarded the E-Certificate of Completion.
- Trainees will be awarded an E-Certificate of Completion for fulfilling the following criteria:
- Achieved a minimum of 70% attendance;
- Pass the post-course test;
- Participate in post-course surveys.
- E-Certificate of Participation will be issued to those who fulfil 50 - 69% attendance and participated in post-course surveys.
Course Schedule
AY2025 Introduction to Chinese Phonetics / Enhanced Level on Chinese Phonetics | |||||||
Fridays 9am-12pm | 10Jan – 28Feb | 14Mar - 25Apr | 9May - 20Jun | 11Jul - 22Aug | 12Sep - 17Oct | 7Nov - 12Dec | |
Tuesdays 7pm-10pm | 7Jan - 25Feb | 11Mar - 15Apr | 13May - 17Jun | 8Jul - 12Aug | 9Sep - 14Oct | 11Nov - 16Dec | |
AY2025 Introduction to Chinese Phonetics ONLINE Class | |||||||
Thursdays 9am-12pm | 13Feb - 20Mar | 10Apr - 22May | 12Jun - 17Jul | 7Aug - 11Sep | 9Oct - 13Nov |
*The schedule is subject to change without prior notice. Interested applicants, please email or call to confirm the availability of intakes.
Course Fees

- New Trainees: There is a non-refundable registration fee of $65.40 (incl. 9% GST).
Returning Trainees: Registration fee waived within one year from the end date of the latest course attended. -
Complimentary course materials will be provided.
^ 50% NSA Subsidy for Singapore Citizens aged≥50 years.
Customised Programme
- This programme can be customised to individual or corporate needs.
- Not eligible for government subsidies.
Discount Schemes
- 10% off course fee for NTU staff, student, alumni, and Alumni Club Members.
- 10% off course fee for Singapore Permanent Residents / Foreigners aged ≥50 years.
- Proof of citizenship status or relevant documents are required for verification purposes.
- Applicants are eligible for ONE discount scheme
at a time.
- Discounts may not be used in conjunction with NSA subsidy.
Fee Support
Eligible trainees may benefit from the following fee support, together with SkillsFuture Credits and UTAP, in payment of course fees (other fees to be self-funded).
I) Fee Subsidy
(a) 50% NSA Subsidy |
Eligibility Criteria: |
For more information, please visit, contact NSA hotline at 6478 5029, or email [email protected]. |
II) Credit/Fund Usage
(a) SkillsFuture Credit (SFC) |
Eligibility Criteria:
For more information, please visit, or contact SkillsFuture Singapore hotline at 67855785. |
(b) Union Training Assistance Programme (UTAP) |
NTUC members enjoy 50% unfunded* course fee support for up to $250 each year (or up to $500 for NTUC members aged 40 years and above). |
Eligibility Criteria:
* Unfunded course fee refers to the balance course fee payable after applicable government subsidy/credit/fund. This excludes GST, registration fees, miscellaneous fees, etc. For more information, please visit, or contact NTUC [email protected]. |
Enrolment Procedure
Enrolment and payment must be completed 10 days before course commencement date .- Applicants are advised to read the Terms and Conditions carefully and understand the requirements before submitting the application. Submit the completed enrolment form to [email protected], or make an appointment to sign up in person at CI-NTU.
- For company-sponsored applicants, the enrolment form must be signed by the approving authority and endorsed with the company stamp.
- Upon receipt of enrolment form, applicants are required to make payment. Payment can be made via PayNow, Internet Banking, over the counter via Visa / MasterCard / NETS.
- Applicants will be informed of the course status at least 5 days prior to the course commencement date. Applicants are to contact CI-NTU if they have not received the updates by the stipulated deadlines.
Withdrawal & Refund Policy
- Requests must be made in writing only. For company-sponsored trainees, the request must be signed off by the authorised representative of the company.
- Registration Fee is non-refundable.
- Refund is to be made to the trainee/sponsoring company (name as per Receipt/Invoice) only, unless stated otherwise.
- Upon receipt of requests, all discounts and government fee support will be cancelled, CI-NTU will follow up in accordance with the below-mentioned policy. Please refer to Terms & Conditions in the enrolment form for details.
Written Request for Withdrawal Received | Guidelines of Refund/Top-up |
More than 30 days before course commencement. | CI-NTU to refund 100% of paid fee. |
15 to 30 days before course commencement. | The applicant and CI-NTU to each bear 50% of the full course fee – a refund/top-up to be processed accordingly. |
Less than 15 days before course commencement. | The applicant to pay CI-NTU 100% of the full course fee. |
Contact Details
Contact Person | Joyce / Eileen |
Tel | 6514 1062 / 6592 2539 |
[email protected] | |
Fax | 6779 7859 |
Venue | 11 Slim Barracks Rise (off North Buona Vista Road), NTU@one-north Campus, Executive Centre, #08-01, Singapore 138664 (Nearest MRT stations: Buona Vista & one-north) |
In case of discrepancy between the English and Chinese webpages, the English version shall prevail.
Click on link to download
- 符合条件的学员可享有50% 的全国乐龄学苑津贴,还能用技能培训补助(SFC)缴付学费。
- 扩展人脉,结识来自不同领域及背景而对中华语言与文化兴趣者。
- 资深、专业的师资阵容。
- 掌握声母、韵母、声调。
- 纠正、强化汉语发音。
- 掌握适用于电脑、手机等平台汉字输入法。
- 通过大量输入练习,提高拼音的拼写能力与自信。

- 声母、韵母和音节。
- 声调、变调。
- 辨别个别发音和音调。
- 双音节词语、三音节词语、轻声音节、儿化音的发音。
- 复习声母、韵母、声调,强化发音。
- 拼音输入法的快打窍门。
- 掌握各种平台的汉语拼音输入法,例如:电脑、手机等。
- 汉语拼音输入训练。
授课讲师经验丰富,受过专业训练,具备学习与表现高级证书(Advanced Certificate in Learning and Performance, ACLP)或培训与评估高级证书(Advanced Certificate in Training and Assessment, ACTA) 资格认证。
- 报名者须具备基础的华语交际能力。
- 若不曾受过汉语拼音训练,建议从基础课程开始。
- 最后一节课进行课后评估,须及格方可获颁结业证书及报读下一级别。
- 学员完成以下条件,将获颁本学院的结业证书:
- 出席率达70%或以上;
- 通过课后评估;
- 完成课后反馈。 - 出席率在50% - 69%并完成课后反馈的学员,则可获颁参与证书 。
汉语拼音基础课程 / 汉语拼音强化课程 | ||||||
2025学年 | 1月 | 3月 | 5月 | 7月 | 9月 | 11月 |
周日 早班 星期五 9am - 12pm | 1月10日 – 2月28日 | 3月14日 – 4月25日 | 5月9日 – 6月20日 | 7月11日 – 8月22日 | 9月12日 – 10月17日 | 11月7日 – 12月12日 |
周日 晚班 星期二 7pm - 10pm | 1月7日 – 2月25日 | 3月11日 – 4月15日 | 5月13日 – 6月17日 | 7月8日 – 8月12日 | 9月9日 – 10月14日 | 11月11日 – 12月16日 |
汉语拼音基础课程 (网课) | ||||||
2025学年 | 2月 | 4月 | 6月 | 8月 | 10月 | |
周日 早班 星期四 9am - 12pm | 2月13日 – 3月 20日 | 4月10日 – 5月22日 | 6月12日 – 7月17日 | 8月7日 – 9月11日 | 10月9日 – 11月13日 |
旧学员:最后参加的课程结束之日起一年内免除报名费。 - 课程费用包括教材。
^ 附带条款。
- 本课程提供量身定制服务。
- 政府津贴不适用于量身定制课程。
· 同时报名基础和强化两门课程,第二门课免付报名费。
- 南洋理工大学职员、学生、校友、南大校友会俱乐部会员享有学费的10%优惠。
- 50岁或以上的乐龄人士(新加坡永久居民、外国人)享有学费的10%优惠。
- 须出示身份证明及相关证明文件。
- 申请者只能使用一项优惠。
- 优惠不可与NSA津贴并用。
申请者若符合条件,可享有以下学费津贴,并可同时申请技能培训补助(SFC)、职总会员培训援助计划(UTAP) 等经费, 以资助学费(其他费用须自付)。
(a) 全国乐龄学苑(NSA)津贴 |
· 享有 50% 的学费津贴。 |
申请须具备之条件: · 仅限50岁以上的新加坡公民。 |
欲知更多详情,请浏览,或拨全国乐龄学苑热线6478 5029, 或电邮至 [email protected]。 |
(a) 技能培训补助(SkillsFuture Credit, SFC) | |
· 政府发放首笔$500的补助金与不定期填补。 · 可用于补助获批课程的费用。 | |
申请须具备之条件: · 仅限25岁以上的新加坡公民。 · 仅限于自费人士。 | |
欲知更多详情,请浏览, 或拨精深技能发展局热线 6785 5785。 | |
(b) 职总会员培训援助计划 (Union Trade Assistance Programme, UTAP) | |
· 职总会员可享有50%的非资助课程费用*津贴,每年以$250为限。 · 仅适用于指定课程。 | |
| |
* “非资助课程费用”指获得政府津贴后的学费余额,不包括消费税、报名费、杂费等。 欲知更多详情,请浏览,或电邮至[email protected]。 |
- 退学申请须以书面形式通知。公司赞助的申请者须获得公司代表的签名认可。
- 报名费不予退款。
- 退学申请受理后,报名时所享有的学费折扣和政府津贴将一律失效,学院将按照相应比例处理退学和退款。欲知更多详情,请参阅报名表格里的条款。
收到书面退学通知: | 退款/追加学费 |
超过开课日期前30天 | 学院全额退还已缴付的学费。 |
在开课日期的前15至30天内 | 申请者和学院各承担50%的全额学费。学院将按照比例处理相应的退款/追加学费事宜。 |
少于开课日前15天 | 申请者承担全额学费。 |
- 报名表格可在本页下载,或电邮、亲临本院索取。
- 报名截止日期为课程开始日期前 10 天。
- 提交报名表格前请先阅读所列条款。请将填妥表格电邮至[email protected],也可预约时间亲临本院报名。
- 公司赞助的申请者,报名表格须附有公司代表签名及公司印章。
- 报名受理后,申请者将收到付款通知。付款方式:电子转账、支票或信用卡。选择信用卡(威士、万事达)和NETS转账卡付款,申请者须亲临柜台缴付。
- 申请者将在开学的5天前收到确认通知。若在期限内未收到消息,请联系学院。
负责人 | Joyce / Eileen |
电话号码 | 6514 1062 / 6592 2539 |
电邮地址 | [email protected] |
地址 | 11 Slim Barracks Rise (off North Buona Vista Road) NTU@one-north campus, Executive Centre, #08-01, Singapore 138664 (Nearest MRT stations: Buona Vista & one-north) |