Published on 20 Oct 2023

Congratulations to our CEE undergraduate students and their supervisor Assoc Prof Li Bing for winning 5th prize in the IDEERS 2023 competition

At the Introducing and Demonstrating Earthquake Engineering Research (IDEERS) Competition in Taiwan, our undergraduate students – Jun Seng Leong, Wong Hong  Fu, Yang Ze Wen, and Yeong Yoong Sze – showcased how their foundational skills acquired in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering can be applied to real-world scenarios.

The competition was held by Taiwan’s National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering and National Applied Research Laboratories. Teams were tasked to design and construct a wooden structural model that was capable of withstanding various earthquake intensities within 5.5 hours.

In preparation for the competition, they trained and clocked four sessions weekly over two months, refining their designs through continuous iterations. They benefited from mentorship given by Prof Li Bing and incorporated insights from their industry seniors. Using software tools like AutoCAD Autodesk for design structure and getting familiar with ETABS for structural analysis, the team transformed classroom theories into a tangible seismic-resistant scale model.

Their efforts saw them emerge 5th out of 42 participating teams from universities globally, clinching the Efficiency Ratio Certificate of Excellence, Design Concept Exhibition Award, and most notably, their structure demonstrated resilience against a strong 400 gal earthquake simulation.

Their competition experience underscores the practical, industry-relevant education NTU students receive, which equips them to address real-world challenges.