CEE Outstanding Alumni Award

The CEE Outstanding Alumni Award was launched in 2021 to honour our alumni and recognise their achievements and contributions to the school and society.   
The nomination for the awards is now open! Nominations can be submitted by CEE alumni and CEE Staff (MSO and Faculty).

There are two award categories:

  1. CEE Outstanding Alumni Award: The Award recognises the achievements and contributions of CEE alumni to the school and society.
  2. CEE Young Alumni Award: The Award (launched last year) acknowledges the achievement and contribution of CEE alumni aged 40 and below.

Please nominate your peers and share their exciting stories. The nomination will close on 19th July 2024. 


Criteria of awards

CEE Outstanding Alumni Award

  • Have excelled and highly recognised in their professional fields for their outstanding and sustained achievements.
  • Have contributed significantly to the advancement of CEE, the University, or the society at large.
  • Graduates of the School of CEE (or former CSE) at the Nanyang Technological University are eligible for this award.

CEE Young Alumni Award

  • The criteria of the CEE Outstanding Alumni Award also apply, but the assessment process will be based on benchmarking the nominees against their peers within the same age demographic. Furthermore, nominees must be aged 40 and below (as of 31st December 2024).


CEE Young Alumni Award

  • Ir. Andi Sanjaya Tjong (BEng 2010)

CEE Outstanding Alumni Award


CEE Outstanding Alumni Award

  • Mr. Lam Pei Wei, James (BEng 1998)

  • Er. Thanabal s/o Kaliannan (BEng 1991)

CEE Outstanding Alumni Award

  • Mr. Benedict Andrew Lim (BEng 1995)

  • Dr. Gwee Tat Meng, Evan (BEng 1996, MSc 2003)
