Published on 07 Feb 2019

​Industry Award for Best Infographic at Raw Science Film Festival 2019

The short movie “Digital Medicine, Arts, and STEAM: BEFORE US LIES EterNERDy” won the “Industry Award for Best Infographic”. The project was realized in a sciart collaboration between Fraunhofer MEVIS’ scicom team Bianka Hofmann, Alexander Köhn, and Mathias Neugebauer and artists Ina Conradi, Assoc. Prof at the School of Art, Design and Media and Mark Chavez from Media Art Nexus at Nanyang Technological University Singapore. The sound design was produced by MEVIS colleague David Black in cooperation with singer Dagmar Weiß.

The short films screened during the day in the Ace Theater on South Broadway, Los Angeles. Bianka Hofmann and cooperating artist Mark Chavez attended the prestigious red carpet awards ceremony for Fraunhofer MEVIS.

The awarded movie “Digital Medicine, Arts, and STEAM: BEFORE US LIES EterNERDy” shows different scales of the human body, from digitized microscopic lymphoma tissue examined with the molecular cytogenetic technique Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) to detect abnormal changes in DNA, to 3-D reconstructions of a liver as well as a whole-body MRI. It was produced in 2D for the 15:2 meter video wall Media Art Nexus NTU and simultaneously in stereoscopic 3D for the Deep Space 8k at Ars Electronica Center.

The annual Raw Science Film Festival honors science-based media from around the world. The mission of the Festival is to ensure fact-based scientific experts stay at the forefront of popular culture.

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