Published on 22 Jul 2019

​Congratulations to Jake Tan and Ernest Wu on being awarded STEAM Imaging II – Artists-in-Residence for their proposal In Vivo!

The artist team, supervised by Assoc. Prof. Ina Conradi from the School of Art, Design, and Media, will have a unique opportunity to work closely together with the institute’s research staff at Fraunhofer MEVIS’ headquarters in Bremen. The artist-in-residence program adds interdisciplinary methods and new aesthetic approaches to STEM teaching by connecting digital medicine to education and arts to foster the engagement with and ownership of future technology. It includes encounters that bring together scientists, the artists, and pupils from Bremen and Linz, and students from NTU Singapore School of Art, Design, and Media in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Talent School and Ars Electronica. Following the residency, the resulting artwork will be featured at the Ars Electronica Festival in Linz in September 2020.

Total of nine ADM students rose to challenge with art-sci proposals. Margaret Suashini received Honorable Mention for her proposal Womanhood.

The Jury praised the overall quality of all submissions. Commended are Abdul Qayyum and Liyana Azhar for State of Mind, Amadea Low for alimbic, Chin Yulin for In My Image, Clara Lim for Vital Visuals, Tira Thirawit Techanithisawat for The Evolution of Brains. The thesis colloquium is in planning with Fraunhofer MEVIS scientists for all artist that would like to continue research.

More about Awarded Residency and Artists on Fraunhofer MEVIS Institute News: