Cinema Reclaimed: Live Dialogue by Toh Hun Ping & Ben Slater

29 May 2021 11.00 AM - 03.00 PM Alumni, Current Students, Industry/Academic Partners, Prospective Students, Public

The inaugural edition of Cinema Reclaimed is a special film collaboration between researchers Toh Hun Ping and Ben Slater centered on the theme of medicine and modernity. 

Join us for a live dialogue session with the duo as they give context to the films featured in their programme. Both researchers will take you on an entertaining, clip-heavy tour showcasing the popularity of medical-themed scripts among Singapore-based filmmakers – a trend going as far back as the Malay studio era. These films which have tended to grapple with the opposing themes of rural-urban and science versus superstition, might have been filmed in hospital settings or simply exploited the melodramatic possibilities of sudden illness as a plot device.

To find out more about the series by Toh Hun Ping and Ben Slater, check out "Cinema Reclaimed - Film Locations Map"!

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