Modern and Contemporary Literature and Culture

Hee Wai Siam (2021). “The Lure of Diaspora: Diaspora Discourse, Accented Style, and Sinophone Malaysian Culture,” Modern Chinese Literature and Culture. 33.2: 205-257.

Hee Wai Siam (2020). “Queer Latent Images, Post-Loyalism and the Cold War: The Case of an Early Sinophone Star, Bai Yun,” Cultural Critique.108: 94-124.

Hee Wai Siam (2015). 〈高行健早期的小说艺术理论与实践:以《现代小说技巧初探》为中心〉( Gao Xingjian’s Early Theory and Practice of the Art of Fiction: A Focus on A Preliminary Examination of Modern Fictional Techniques )。《师大学报(语言与文学类) Journal of National Taiwan Normal University. 60.2:29-55.

Sim Wai Chew and Yow Cheun Hoe (eds.), Singapore Comparative Literature Compendium. London: Balestier Academic, 2021.

You Junhao (游俊豪),“Lisan Fanshi: Xinjiapo huawen wenxue yu wenhua” 离散范式:新加坡华文文学与文化 (Diasporic Paradigm: Singapore Chinese Literature and Culture), Xianggang Wenxue 香港文学  (Hong Kong Literature), No. 430 (October 2020), pp. 4-13.

You Junhao (游俊豪),“Xinhua wenxue changyu lun: quanqiu mailuo de zaidi jiegou” 新华文学场域论:全球脉络的在地结构  (Singapore Chinese Literature as a Site: Local Structure in Global Terrains), In Xiong Zhiqin 熊志琴and Zeng Zhicong 曾智聪 (eds.), Chengchuan yu liubo: quanqiu mailuo yu Zhongguo Wenhua lunji 承传与流播:全球脉络与中国文化论集  ( Heritage and Dissemination: Essays on Global Context and Chinese Culture) (Taipei: Showe Information Co., Ltd, 2020), pp. 99-114.

Singapore Comparative Literature Database (with accompanying workshop and compendium), Singapore MOE AcRE Tier 1, 2017-2021. PI: Sim Wai Chew, Co-PI: Yow Cheun Hoe

HC1001 Introduction to the Study of Literature and Culture

HC2014 Chinese Theatre and Performance

HC2040 Understanding China

HC2061 Chinese Literature in Singapore and Malaysia

HC3014 Cultural Study of Chinese Cinemas

HC3015 City and Culture in Modern China

HC3018 Posthumanism in Chinese Literature, Film and Culture

HC3043 Chinese Ecological Thoughts and Philosophy

HC4013 Gender and Sexuality in Chinese Literature

HC5010 Animals in Chinese Culture

HC7014 A Study of Chinese-Language Film Culture