Published on 30 Jan 2024

Assoc. Prof. Andrew Forcehimes awarded MOE AcRF Tier 1 Grant


Grant_Andrew Forcehimes

Associate Professor Andrew Forcehimes has been awarded the MOE AcRF Tier 1 Grant (Call 2/2023) for his research project Being Reasonable.

Congratulations, Prof Forcehimes!


Reasonableness lies at the heart of normativity. To claim that you are being reasonable is to claim that you have lived up to the standards of reason. To claim that you are being unreasonable is to claim that you haven’t. Yet not everything is open to assessments of reasonableness. The actions and attitudes of cognitively unsophisticated animals are neither reasonable nor unreasonable. They are areasonable, falling outside the domain of reason. This project is concerned with locating and explaining this boundary.