The Impact of Cultural Research
Please note that the change of date for this seminar to 15 September.
David Britton is Head of English and Professor of Dramaturgy at Swansea University. His plays have won high acclaim. Kamil and Francis (Richard Burton Theatre Cardiff; 2019) was acclaimed by Theatre Wales as “dynamic and absorbing. Every truth runs parallel with the political ethnic and religious divisions that beset us today.” His five-part BBC drama about the composer William Byrd, starring David Suchet, was widely lauded and his version of Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure (Sherman Cymru) gained a four star review in The Guardian. Other successful recent stage works include the bi-lingual Windsongs of the Blessed Bay; The Wizard the Goat and the Man Who Won the War; Pembroke Arcadia; Old Peter’s Russian Tales, and Silverglass.