Wordbee Online Workshop Session

23 Feb 2023 07.00 PM - 10.00 PM Alumni, Current Students, Industry/Academic Partners, Prospective Students, Public


RSVP: https://forms.office.com/r/YauGtMJ8pd

An introduction to translation project management, translation management system (TMS). Translation management systems are one of the cornerstone of today’s translation technology. They are critical to translation departments and language service providers around the world to organise work and resources. They allow various stakeholders to work collaboratively in translation projects. Understanding the main concepts and modules of a TMS is key to a successful integration in any translation organisation. The following session aims at delivering a basic understanding and hands-on approach to a translation management system. Wordbee Translator will be used in the class as an example of TMS. 


Andrea Benedetti holds a master’s degree in translation from the University of Metz, France. He currently serves as a Solution Architect at Wordbee S.A., a leading translation technology provider. With a background in providing solutions to both enterprise clients and language service providers worldwide, Andrea utilizes his skills and knowledge to support the implementation of translation technologies and the optimization of translation processes within various industries.

This session will be conducted in English.