Returning to work with new data analytics skills after a career break

Hani Suci Candra Palupi
Library Assistant at Stamford American International School
Completed SkillsFuture Career Transition Programme in Data and Information Analysis Literacy Upgrading Programme (Dial-Up)
Please share with us your professional life’s journey and at which point in your career did you aspire to pursue this programme?
I worked as an accountant in a leading motorcycle company in Indonesia before I decided to become a full-time mother 13 years ago. Two years ago, when I received a chance to come back and join the workforce, I felt that there was a gap in my knowledge of the current tools and techniques that allow me to work with data efficiently. That’s when I started looking for training courses that will equip me with the latest skills to clean, organise, and process data.
What attracted you to your chosen programme at PaCE@NTU?
I have always been fascinated with data. During the COVID-19 pandemic, I was amazed by how clear the COVID-19 statistics were presented to us daily. I kept thinking how all these data have been gathered and how they were processed into readable information. Following my curiosities, I joined the online Data Analytics course, but I stumbled on so many problems and couldn’t get any help from the instructors nor friends. When I saw PaCE@NTU offering this Data Analytics programme, I was immediately interested to enrol. Also, NTU is a prestigious university in Singapore, and the programme’s blended learning will allow me to interact directly with the trainers anytime should I need clarifications or when I face any difficulties and problems.
What were the challenges you faced when trying to complete this programme?
I won’t deny that the programme was quite challenging for me. Juggling between my full-time job, attending the online courses in the evening and in-person sessions on some of the weekends are easier said than done. But with perseverance and discipline, I managed to complete the courses and submit assignments on time. I believe this hard work will benefit me, especially in my future career development.
Has this programme benefitted you in your career development?
Definitely. This programme equipped me with the skills to work with data processing (SQL), pull insights (Advance Excel and Statistics), and present the outcome effectively (Tableau). As a person who has always been fascinated with data, this programme was what I needed to be able to process data efficiently and effectively. As an accountant, updating my data-handling skills is essential.
Will you recommend PaCE@NTU’s programmes to your friends and family?
Yes, I highly recommend PaCE@NTU’s programmes. The trainers of this programme were very professional, the course materials were well crafted and not too heavy on the theoretical aspect, and I received a lot of hands-on activities that are useful for my work needs. At the end of this programme, the Capstone Project gave us a chance to culminate our learning by working together in a team to solve a real-world case from the business world.