Data Analysis and Analytics - Practical Application

Course Provider

Academy for Professional and Continuing Education (PaCE@NTU)


Continuing Education and Training Certificate


Knowing how to analyze data, extract insights from data, interpreting charts and analytics, and presenting the analysis to a varied audience is a competency that is a “must have” for any individual, firm or organization.

Businesses and organizations are already operating in a connected, digital and knowledge environment, where business intelligence and insights underlie a firm’s or organization’s business advantages.

Participants will learn how to analyze and extract insights from data and interpret and present the analysis.  This is a practical and hands-on short course.  Participants should be prepared to conduct real-time research and present data analysis.

Learning Outcome

Learners will learn how to analyse and extract insights from data and interpret and present the analysis.  Expect some hand-on practical sessions and presentation (data storytelling).

Participants in this short course will have a better understanding and learn:

About data analysis and analytics in the workplace and get updates on the tools and techniques

• How to analyze data using various analytical techniques
• When and what analytical tools or techniques to use
• How to interpret and present the analysis
• Specific data analysis techniques, in particular:
   - Charting
   - Scatter plots and trend lines
   - Forecasting
   - Probability Analysis and charting
   - Multiple Linear Regression (basic application of statistics)
• How to leverage on Excel’s functions
• How to start a data analytic project or initiative.

Day 1

Overview of data analysis and analytics; updates and real-world applications

• Data analysis techniques (charting, forecasting, etc.); how to analyze and interpret data; when to use different techniques.
• Data analysis with Excel (basic techniques)
• Hands-on practice with data (provided by trainer) and research data (by participant) using (1) Charts, (2) Scatter and Trend Lines, and (3) Probability analysis.

Day 2

Data Presentation (data storytelling) techniques and methods

• Hands-on practice with data (provided by trainer) and research data (by participant) using (1) Forecasting, and (2) Multiple Linear Regression
• How to start a data analytic project or initiative – Call to Action
• Presentation by participants to the class

This course will be useful for anyone who needs to crunch data and information for valuable insights would want to take this course to increase and deepen their knowledge of data and information.

Standard Course Fee: S$1,526.00

SSG Funding Support

 Course fee

Course fee payable after SSG funding, if eligible under various schemes


BEFORE funding & GST

AFTER funding & 9% GST

Singapore Citizens (SCs) and Permanent Residents (PRs) (Up to 70% funding)



Enhanced Training Support for SMEs (ETSS)


SCs aged ≥ 40 years old
SkillsFuture Mid-career Enhanced Subsidy (MCES)
(Up to 90% funding)

• NTU/NIE alumni may utilise their $1,600 Alumni Course Credits. Click here for more information.

Read more about funding
Francis Tay

Francis Tay

Lecturer, NTU WKWSCI
Founder & CEO, NextGen Ventures Pte Ltd
Director, Singapura Management Pte Ltd

Francis is currently a lecturer at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Wee Kim Wee School for Communications and Information (WKWSCI), teaching Business Intelligence and Information Entrepreneurship in the Master of Knowledge Management course.  His courses are also taken up by students reading for their Master of Information Systems, Master of Information Studies and Master of Mass Communications.  He has also taught Organizational Leadership and Information Sources and Services in the Master of Information Studies course.  He has been teaching at NTU for more than 10 years.

Francis has authored three books “Latent Factors”, “Turning Good Ideas into Great Businesses” and “Picking Winners”.  The first two books focus on business advantages and financial models and the third book is on market intelligence and building up market and sector models for benchmarking analysis.  His market intelligence and benchmarking portal – - was developed as a real-time update for “Picking Winners”.

He is concurrently a Director at Singapura Management Pte Ltd, a corporate services company providing bookkeeping, tax and other services to local and foreign SMEs.  He founded NextGen Ventures Pte Ltd, an equity investment company that focuses on technology and Internet-related businesses.  He has held senior positions in government and government-linked organizations.

Francis obtained his Honours degree from NUS, majoring in Economics and Computer Science & Applications, and his Master of Science in Management (Sloan Fellowship) from the London Business School in the UK.  Francis served 5 years on the National Youth Council’s Singapore Youth Awards (SYA) Entrepreneurship committee and has provided mentorship to companies and others under various business programmes at universities and start-up accelerators.