Giving to NTU
Giving plays an important role at NTU Singapore. Contributions from donors provide financial support for students, support the continuous development of colleges, schools, institutes and research centres, create an innovative learning environment for our students, and enhance the University's ability to attract top talent and pioneer groundbreaking research.

Why donate to Nanyang Technological University?

The pursuit for excellence
NTU Singapore has consistently been ranked among the world’s best young universities. Your gift enables NTU to continue its pursuit for excellence in pedagogy and research, establishing itself as a great global university founded on science and technology, nurturing leaders and creating societal impact through interdisciplinary education and research.

Attract global top talents for life-changing discoveries
NTU Singapore aims to attract and retain the best talents to sustain its rise as a leading research university. Your gift will help our academics as they work to transform their research into potentially life-changing discoveries and inventions that address Singapore’s national priorities and some of humanity’s grand challenges.

Provide well-rounded education for every student
Many students in NTU Singapore require financial aid. Often, these students are compelled to work part-time to make ends meet or forgo student activities. Your gift goes towards awarding bursaries and scholarships to the most deserving students and change the trajectory of their lives. It ensures that no deserving student is denied access to quality education.

Foster close collaboration with academia and industry
NTU Singapore collaborates extensively with the public and private sectors with commercialisation outcomes. The drive to facilitate the application of research has resulted in over 250 industry partners, as well as more than 30 Corporate and Joint Laboratories. Your gift ensures that the University has resources to form more partnerships with leading global companies and produces a new generation of talent for industries.
Giving in numbers

Your gift:
- is tax-deductible at 2.5 times your gift value (applicable to Singapore tax residents only);
- provides naming opportunities to honour foundations, corporations and individuals;
- is matched by the Singapore Government, thus increasing the value and impact of your contributions; and
- may be recognised on our communication channels, such as websites, publications and social media.