NTU-CEE Seminar Series: Professor SHI Caijun

15 Feb 2024 01.00 PM - 02.00 PM CEE Meeting Room B (N1-B1b-15)  Current Students, Industry/Academic Partners

Topic: Characteristics of Common Solid Wastes and Their Use as SCMs



Professor Tan Kanghai

About the Speaker

Prof. Shi is a foreign member of the Russian Academy of Engineering and the Engineering Academy of Ukraine, and a national distinguished expert of China. He is currently a chair professor at the College of Civil Engineering, Hunan University. He is the founding editor-in-chief of the Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials and an associate editor of the Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. Additionally, he is involved in many other reputed journals. Prof. Shi’s research interests include the characterization and utilization of industrial by-products and waste materials, the design and testing of cement and concrete materials, the development and evaluation of cement additives and concrete mixtures, and solid and hazardous waste management. He has been granted four US patents and 50 Chinese patents. He has authored or co-authored more than 600 technical papers, seven English books, five Chinese books, and edited or co-edited seven international conference proceedings. His Google Scholar citation is over 45,000.


A variety of solid wastes are produced from various industries. Their composition and characteristics are very different due to the differences in raw materials use, production process and collection technologies. This presentation will introduce the production and classification of a variety of waste materials, but focus on waste glasses and steel slag from steel making processes. Their chemical composition and mineralogical characteristics will be discussed and compared with other solid wastes. Their application as supplementary cementitious materials in cement and concrete will be demonstrated in detail. It is very evident that their most valuable uses as cement replacements in the production of low-carbon cement and concrete.


For NTU participants:
NTU CEE Meeting Room B (N1-B1b-15) 


For participants outside NTU:
Online via Zoom Webinar 


Meeting ID: 856 0881 7898
Passcode: 929917