NTU-CEE Distinguished Seminar Series: Unlocking Value from Waste: A Decision Support Tool for Landfill Mining and Materials Recovery Projects

01 Jun 2023 10.00 AM - 11.00 AM LT11 Alumni, Current Students, Industry/Academic Partners, Public


Asst Prof FEI Xunchang


This presentation aims to introduce decision support tools for resource recovery from landfill and former industrial sites. The objective is to provide insights on how to make informed and smart decisions when launching materials recovery projects on your site and develop a compelling business case for raw materials recovery.

Landfill mining and materials recovery from waste sites have gained increasing attention due to the environmental and economic benefits they offer. However, the success of such projects heavily relies on effective decision-making processes and the ability to identify valuable resources within the waste stream.

This presentation will outline a series of decision support tools that incorporate advanced data analysis techniques, historical information screening, and predictive modelling to assess the feasibility and potential profitability of materials recovery initiatives. By the end of this presentation, attendees will have a good overview of the decision support tools for landfill mining recovery and materials recovery projects currently being developed or used in Europe.

About the Speaker


Professor Frederic Coulon has a 25-year international career in environmental chemistry, diagnostic strategy and risk. He is research active in treatment and remediation processes for pollution control across contaminated land, industrial and hazardous waste and wastewater sectors. Moreover, he is recognised for his internationally leading contribution to the evaluation of the environmental fate of petroleum hydrocarbons and heavy metals in urban and polar environments and its implication for bioremediation, analysis and risk assessment.

His work and reputation in this area further influences policy development and provides pragmatic, risk-based solutions to remediate contaminated land. In addition, he is co-Editor-in-Chief of Environment International, Associate Editor of Science of the Total Environment, Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology and Section Editor of Heliyon Environment.



Admission is free, all are welcome!