Table B

Course CodeCourse TitleCourse AUs
BS1101^^Basics of TCM (中医基础理论)6
BS1200Understanding Singapore Healthcare System3
BS2023Regulatory Control of Healthcare Products and Medical Devices3
BS2024Evolution in Health and Disease3
BS2100Molecular and Cell Biology Techniques Level 23
BS2103^^TCM Diagnostics (中医诊断学)6
BS2011^Equations of Life3
BS3003Developmental biology3
BS3004Cancer biology and Therapy3
BS3008Computational Biology & Modelling3
BS3018Plant biology3
BS3021Bioimaging Techniques in EM3
BS3027Light and Biomolecule Behavior in Health and Disease3
BS3032Environmental Microbiology (On hold)3
BS3038Intellectual Property Rights Related to BioBusiness3
BS3202Commercialization of Molecular and Cell Biology Techniques3
BS3331#Undergraduate Advanced Experimental Biology (UAEB) Workshop (Series I) – Applied Immunology3
BS3338#Undergraduate Advanced Experimental Biology (UAEB) Workshop (Series II) – Effect of Anti-mitotic Drugs on Cancer Cells3
BS3340#Undergraduate Advanced Experimental Biology (UAEB) Workshop (Series I) – Science of aging and life extension in C. elegans3
BS3342#Undergraduate Advanced Experimental Biology (UAEB) Workshop (Series II) – Role of Actin cytoskeleton regulators in metastasis3
BS3344#Undergraduate Advanced Experimental Biology (UAEB) Workshop (Series II) – Macromolecular X-ray Crystallography3
BS3348#Undergraduate Advanced Experimental Biology (UAEB) Workshop (Series II) – Field Studies in Functional Plant Ecology (On Hold)3
BS3349#Undergraduate Advanced Experimental Biology (UAEB) Workshop (Series II) – Introduction to R programming3
BS3350#Undergraduate Advanced Experimental Biology (UAEB) Workshop (Series II) – The Toolbox of Modern Genome Editing3
BS4002Current topics in cell biology3
BS4010Synthetic Biology3
Molecular Basis of Diseases3
BS4015Plant Biotechnology3
BS4016Advanced Virology (On Hold)3
BS4017High-Throughput Bioinformatics3
BS2901Research Experience3
BG4215Biomedical Nanotechnology3
CH4306Bioanalytical Techniques3
ES2304​Microbes on natural ecosystems​3
ES3302Tropical Ecology3
ES3307Experimental Design and Analysis3

# UAEB Workshop which is conducted during the 1-week term break or before the term starts.

^^ BS1101 and BS2103 are considered as ONE Major PE.

++ Recommended Major PE which is conducted during the inter-semestral break. Completion of BS9001 will allow you to do one less Major PE in any of the future semesters. Registration of BS9001 will be done by the School. It is a pass/fail course.