About the Cluster

Resilient Urbanisation & Natural Ecosystems consolidates NTU’s unprecedented bandwidth of expertise and capacity for stakeholders, and place Singapore at the forefront of sustainability research and development.  This research cluster further strengthens cross-disciplinary interactions, connect STEM with non-STEM, and deliver broad-based innovation.  

Major scientific opportunities involve climate change science, tropical natural and urban ecosystem ecology, human health and disease, and urban environments and behavioural economics.  Major initiatives will be the creation of a campus energy-water nexus prototype; building resilient, sustainable and smart cities to address and mitigate the effects of climate change; integrating science/engineering for environmental management (atmosphere, hydrosphere and terrestrial); and establishing expertise for environmental and geological hazard and risk management to increase the safety of people and infrastructure.  Further, it will strengthen existing links with government agencies and create new opportunities with industry, including business strategy and leadership.  

In addition, this cluster will deliver a strong platform for education and training to meet an emerging need for regional-level multidisciplinary scientists and other professionals across Asia, to tackle and manage sustainability challenges.  An NTU-NIE collaboration will develop a core-curriculum to lay a solid foundation for including sustainability in advanced education and degree programs, for broad-based life-long learning, as well as preparing future sustainability leaders.