CET778 Surface Analysis

Course Provider

School of Materials Science and Engineering (MSE)



Academic Unit



Physical characterisation of materials is the measurement and evaluation of the properties of materials. It is essential for the development of materials, for materials failure investigation and routine assessment. Thermal analysis constituted a group of characterisation techniques in which the thermal properties of materials are characterised. Materials in service are subjected to extreme and fluctuating temperature conditions. As the properties and performance of materials are intimately related to the temperature, a group of thermal analysis techniques covering TGA, DSC, DTA, TMA etc… in which the physical properties of materials are measured as a function of temperature whilst the material is subjected to a controlled temperature are employed to characterise materials. Surface analysis is the study of the surface properties of materials. It is concerned with the study of the structure and binding state of the atoms on the top surface layer (< 10 nanometers). Surface Analysis are routine activities of surface inspection and is employed extensively in areas of research such as corrosion, adhesion, polymer surface treatment and microelectronics fabrication. In the module on surface analysis, the course will be focused on X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) and Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES).

This course is part of:

- Graduate Certificate in Materials Science and Engineering
- FlexiMasters in Materials Science and Engineering
- Master of Science (Materials Science and Engineering)

Course Availability

  • Date(s): 12 Aug 2024 to 13 Dec 2024

    Time: Self-paced

    Venue: NTU Virtual Learning Environment

    Registration is closed.

At the end of the course, learners  are able to:

1. Select and evaluate physical characterisation techniques, namely surface analysis, for the investigation of material performance and;

2. Develop laboratory facilities for surface analysis.

To meet the requirement of SkillsFuture Singapore, assessment(s) will be conducted during every course. The assessment(s) include:

  • Quiz
  • Project

Suitable for professionals working in Engineering, Quality Control, Failure Analysis, Manufacturing and R&D.

Brief screening/shortlist of applicants involved in this course.

Standard Course Fee: S$1,287.29

SSG Funding Support

 Course fee

Course fee payable after SSG funding, if eligible under various schemes


BEFORE funding & GST

AFTER funding & 9% GST

Singapore Citizens (SCs) and Permanent Residents (PRs) (Up to 70% funding)



Enhanced Training Support for SMEs (ETSS)


SCs aged ≥ 40 years old
SkillsFuture Mid-career Enhanced Subsidy (MCES)
(Up to 90% funding)

  • Standard course fee is inclusive of GST.
  • NTU/NIE alumni may utilise their $1,600 Alumni Course Credits. Click here for more information.


Read more about funding
CET772 Principles and Adaptation1
CET773 Variation and Nonstoichiometry1
CET774 Organic Structural Materials1
CET775 Organic Electronic Materials1
CET776 Organic Optical Materials1
CET777 Thermal Analysis1
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CET780 Materials in Medicine1
CET781 Tissue Engineering & Drug Delivery1
CET782 Processes for Particulate Materials and Bulk Materials 1
CET783 Vacuum Processes1
CET784 Solution Processes1
CET785 Fundamentals of Electron Microscopy1
CET786 Advanced Characterization using TEM Techniques1

Listed courses are:

  • Credit-bearing and stackable to Graduate Certificate in Materials Science and Engineering (9 AU), FlexiMasters in Materials Science and Engineering (15 AU) and Master of Science in Materials Science and Engineering (30 AU).
  • SSG funded and SkillsFuture Credit approved.