Director's Message

The Nanyang Centre for Public Administration (NCPA) has achieved remarkable progress, leveraging the diverse interdisciplinary education and research resources offered by Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore).
To date, NCPA has expanded its postgraduate programmes to a comprehensive range of six Master's programmes available in both English and Chinese, and conducted executive development programmes tailored for government officials, public administrators, and administrative cadres of higher learning institutions from China, ASEAN and beyond. Another accolade is the well-attended Lien International Conference on Good Governance that has established itself as a prominent event in the field of public administration. NCPA has earned the valued recognition from both the local and governments of other countries, esteemed partner institutions, and students. All these accomplishments bear testament to the evolvement and success of NCPA.
As the newly appointed Director, I am honoured to collaborate with Professor Liu Hong and other colleagues to lead our institution towards the next phase of growth and advancement. Even as I humbly embrace this responsibility with resolve and vigour, I am fully cognisant of the significance the role carries and will endeavour to build upon the rich legacy of NCPA, to further elevate its standing and influence.
NCPA prides itself on its esteemed team of seasoned professors, who are well-versed in both Eastern and Western perspectives, imparting cutting-edge knowledge within their respective discipline. Our emphasis of an updated and dynamic curriculum provides an enriching and inspiring academic journey for students from diverse backgrounds and age groups. From offering executive development programmes to Chinese officials to pioneering Master’s programmes conducted in Chinese and subsequently expanding our reach to encompass ASEAN and beyond, NCPA aims to fulfil its mission of nurturing students with the essential knowledge, aptitude, and skills to provide a solid foundation for their future careers in public administration.
Our extensive alumni network of over 20,000 individuals spanning China and various countries worldwide have also made NPCA proud. With excellent career prospects, many of our alumni have emerged as leaders in their respective industries and fields. They continue to maintain close ties with NCPA, serving as bridges between Singapore and their home countries, fostering friendly relationships across borders. We extend our sincere appreciation to our alumni for the long-standing support and encourage them to continue being a driving force in supporting our ongoing development and success.
The progress of NCPA hinges upon the support and collaboration of our friends from all walks of life. On behalf of NCPA, I express my heartfelt thanks to the NTU leaders, colleagues, donors, partner institutions, alumni, our dedicated professors, staff, as well as students, for their contribution and continuation of this unwavering support.
Guided by our vision of establishing a world-class public administration and research institution, we will strive to foster innovation in education, training, research, and management within NCPA. By harnessing the academic expertise and experience of NTU and Singapore's successful practices in public governance, economic development, social management, and globalisation, we will remain committed to staying ahead of the ever-changing landscape, embracing transformation and forging deeper and enduring collaborations.
Looking ahead, we welcome you to join us as we embark on our quest to become a leading institution of education and research in public governance, striving to reach new heights of success.
Associate Professor Wang Jue
Director, Nanyang Centre for Public Administration (NCPA)
Associate Professor, School of Social Sciences
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

NCPA is dedicated to inspiring future leaders for the public, private, and non-profit sectors through its global perspective on developments in Asia and through its multidisciplinary approaches to researching and teaching important policy issues.
Welcome to the Nanyang Centre for Public Administration (NCPA) at Nanyang Technological University (NTU)! As one of Asia’s leading institutions in public administration education and research, NCPA offers wide-ranging programmes, including the Master of Public Administration (MPA), the Master of Science in Managerial Economics (MME), the Master of Social Sciences (China and Global Governance) - MCGG, and the Executive Development Programmes (EDP).
NCPA is dedicated to preparing and inspiring future leaders for the public, private, and non-profit sectors through its global perspective on developments in Asia and through its multidisciplinary approaches to researching and teaching important policy issues. We aim to enhance the quality of governance with our holistic curriculum, top-quality research, and extensive engagement in the policy community.
Located in Singapore, a dynamic business and communications hub in Asia, and being an integral part of NTU, a rapidly-growing global university, NCPA provides world-class education and research in public administration in the context of contemporary Asia. Our strength is built upon the following four pillars.
The Best Practices of Governance in Singapore
Singapore is globally recognised for its excellence in public policy, public administration, and governance. To leverage on this unique advantage, NCPA incorporates not only Singapore’s successful experience in curriculum design, but also professional attachments, research projects, and industrial visits in all its programmes. Thus students have the opportunity to be exposed to the Singapore model of governance from interdisciplinary angles in a diverse set of policy areas, including public management, urban and housing development, economic growth, social welfare and management, market regulation, health care, transportation and logistics, public finance and budgeting, as well as talents and human resource management.
Synergy of Faculty Resources across NTU and beyond
Home to many outstanding global academic leaders and scholars, NTU is one of the fastest-rising universities. NCPA integrates and consolidates policy-relevant multidisciplinary faculty resources across different colleges and schools at NTU. Bringing expertise in public administration, public policy, political science, economics, sociology, media and communications into NCPA, our faculty, Dr Liu Thai Ker (architect and master planner of Singapore), Professor Su Guaning (President Emeritus of NTU), and Professor Er Meng Hwa (Vice President of NTU) are committed to creating public value for good governance in Asia. Our faculty strength is further enhanced by the presence of distinguished policy practitioners from the Singapore government and senior civil servants such as Dr Yeo Ning Hong, Mr Yeo Cheow Tong, Mr Mah Bow Tan, Mr Raymond Lim Siang Keat, and Mr Chan Soo Sen, who bring their first-hand insights and experience as former cabinet ministers of the Singapore government to NCPA.
Research Excellence in Public Administration
NCPA continuously advances cutting-edge research to uphold our education in public administration and public policy. Students work closely with globally-recognised faculty on research, both in the classroom and through a series of research programmes. The Lien Ying Chow Legacy Fellowship, a high-level exchange programme between Singapore and China, supports leaders from public, private, and non-profit organisations in their cutting-edge research on various policy issues. The Lien Conference on Good Governance held in Singapore every other year is attended by leading academics and has produced many new insights on good governance.
NCPA has in recent years stepped up its efforts to make research advancements in the global arena, working closely with international collaborators and identifying new research themes including transnational knowledge transfer, social innovation and philanthropy, and the "One Belt, One Road" study. In early 2017, the NCPA research team won a highly-competitive Ministry of Education Tier-2 research grant entitled “Transnational Knowledge Transfer and Dynamic Governance in Comparative Perspective”, which aims to examine the processes and implications of training on public officials and inter-governmental collaborative projects in Singapore, China, other Southeast Asian nations and Africa.
A Well-established Tradition in Public Administration Education and Extensive Alumni Network
In 1992, NTU was the first overseas university to provide executive education programmes for middle to senior ranking Chinese government officials. The momentum gained from launching the Master of Science in Managerial Economics Programme in 1998 and the Master of Public Administration Programme in 2005 led to the establishment of NCPA in 2009. Today, I am very proud of our achievements – NCPA has an extensive alumni network of about 20,000 Master’s degree holders from our graduate programmes and certificate holders from executive development programmes in China, Vietnam, Myanmar, Cambodia, the Philippines, Laos, Malaysia and Thailand. This extensive alumni network not only fosters exchanges and enhances the careers of its members, but also further facilitates NCPA to scale new heights in public administration education and research.
NCPA welcomes students with diverse backgrounds and inspiring ideals to improve the world through better governance. I encourage you to learn more about NCPA by visiting our website at or by meeting us personally in Singapore.
Professor Liu Hong
Associate Vice President, International
Tan Lark Sye Chair Professor of Public Policy and Global Affairs, School of Social Sciences
Director (Research & Executive Education), Nanyang Centre for Public Administration
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Recipient, 2021 Singapore National Day Public Administration Medal (Silver)

南洋公共管理研究生院拥有丰富的校友网络, 20000多名校友遍布中国各地以及世界多个国家,这是学院多年努力耕耘的结晶,也是学院引以为傲的资源。校友们在毕业后有着良好的职业前景,成为所在行业和领域的领袖人才。校友们心系学院,胸怀天下,成为新加坡与所在国家联系的桥梁和纽带,更是多国间的友好使者。“国之交在于民相亲”,我们感谢校友们在加深彼此理解,推动务实合作中所做的积极努力,也希望你们可以成为学院继续发展的动力与助力,为学院的成长和成功做出贡献。
王珏 副教授

南洋理工大学将中国视为最重要的合作伙伴,中国中共中央组织部和国家外专局对南大也都给予充分认可。1999年南洋理工大学成为新加坡首个获得中国国家外专局境外培训资质的海外高等学府。2014年,南洋公共管理研究生院成为中国国家留学基金委高等教育行政管理人员出国研修项目首个亚洲基地。目前, 南洋公共管理研究生院的硕士毕业学员已超过1800人,高级培训项目毕业生逾18000人。遍及中国乃至世界各地的精英校友网络也是学员职业发展的无价资源。