Seminar on Automatic Control with its Applications in Disability Assistance Systems

04 Jul 2023 02.30 PM - 04.00 PM MAE Meeting Room D (Blk N3.2-02-59) Current Students, Public

Prof Thierry Marie GUERRA

 Polytechnic University Hauts-de-France, France

This seminar will be chaired by Asst Prof Lyu Chen.

Seminar Abstract

According to the 2011 world report of the World Health Organization (WHO), “About 15% of the world's population lives with some form of disability, of whom 2-4% experience significant difficulties in functioning”. Therefore, there is a high potential in research and development in this area. From the automatic control point-of-view the problem “that might be the most daunting of all, is how machines should learn when humans are in the loop”. There are plenty of challenges: what should humans do, what can humans do when interacting with the Machine? How to assist, integrate the Machine with the Human? The presentation is part of these issues for People with Reduced Mobility (PRM) with a generic vocation (in the sense of the most "independent" possible of the application) by using the fundamentals of Automatic control. The fundamental domains are located on two innovative levels: 1. large-scale systems, taking into account inter and intra-PMR variability, observation, observability; 2. Human-Machine interaction with the aim of providing guaranteed safe and efficient interactions. Illustrations will be done through several real-time applications.

Speaker’s Biography​

T.M. Guerra has a long background in scientific coordination and research projects, from regional to international ones. With 94 International Journals, 6 international patents, 12 Plenary Talks, 2 books, 10 chapters of book, more than 240 International Conferences, he gained international reputation being listed in the Stanford University World's Top 2% Scientists. For administrative part, he served as Director of the LAMIH UMR CNRS 8201 during 10 years from 2010 to 2019 (150 researchers and staff, 90 PhD students). More specifically, his main application domains are mobility (Hybrid vehicles, powertrains, trains) and PRM (Wheelchair, biomechanics) with the creation in 2015 of the Start-up Autonomad Mobility based on 2 international patents. He serves/ has served as AE of several international Journals for years (IEEE T. Fuzzy Systems, IEEE T. Vehicular Technology, Fuzzy Sets and Systems). He serves as expert for many research projects in France and foreign countries. Amongst different research responsibilities, he is since July 2020 Member of the Technical Board of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) after having served 6 years 2014-2020 as Chair of the IFAC Technical Committee 3.2 “Computational Intelligence in Control”.