Sports Advisory Committee

The NTU Sports Advisory Committee provides guidance and advice on the strategic direction and policies governing the planning, design and development of competitive and recreational sports programmes for students.

The committee comprises various appointed staff, students, alumni, and industry representatives, and the committee members also play a key role in two evaluation sub-committees - the Sports Awards Evaluation Sub-committee and the New Club Formation Evaluation Sub-committee.

Committee Members for AY 2023-2024


Associate Professor Yeo Chuan Seng, Victor

Associate Provost (Student Life)


Director, Student Affairs Office

Executive Secretary

Ms Low Cheng Goon Sheryl

Deputy Director, Student Sports, Student Affairs Office

College Staff RepresentativeAssociate Professor Koh Koon Teck

Head, Physical Education & Sport Science, National Institute of Education

Admin Staff RepresentativeMr Yum Shoen Keng

Senior Assistant Director, Sports & Recreation Centre, Office of Campus Housing

Industry RepresentativeDr Lim Yii Hong Ethan

Medical Director, Network and Clinical Strategy, Fullerton Healthcare Group

Alumni RepresentativeMr Tan Si Lie

Director/Coach, Salt & Light Archery Academy

Undergraduate Student Representative

Ms Tan Jie Ning, Jolynn

President, NTU Sports Club

Athlete Representative

Mr Leroy Koh

President, NTU Varsity Sports Association

Graduate Student Representative

Mr Zhang Ziheng

Vice-President, NTU Graduate Students' Association