NTUpreneur Roc Koh co-founded Corridor Farmers to empower urban farms in the heartlands
NTUpreneur Roc Koh co-founded Corridor Farmers after attending MiE at NTU Entrepreneurship Academy.
Roc Koh
Co-founder, Corridor Farmers
NTU Graduate
Information Engineering & Media with Minor in Entrepreneurship
1. Share with us your success journey.
My journey from idea to implementation took about 3 months. I joined hackathon to collaborate with like-minded students and the idea transitioned into a start-up in another year.
The most labour-intensive work would be constructing and setting up outdoor farm infrastructure and subsequent maintenance.
2. Can anyone create a start-up of similar nature like yours?
Strong foundations in agriscience or horticulture will greatly benefit plant science. Complementing this with knowledge in technology, data science, and engineering will value add to the farming industry.
Small farm setup costs vary from $100,000 to millions, depending on scale and technology. Start with a community garden as a proof of concept and leverage available funds such as NTUitive start-up grant, SG Eco Fund, HDB Lively Places, ESG FinTech or SFA research grant.
3. Share some words of advice to aspiring innovators and entrepreneurs
“Calculate your risk, take the leap and stay gritty.”
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