SEP Teams Sharing Session (31 Oct 2019)
Published on: 08-Nov-2019
On 31st October, SCSE Innovation Lab held another series of Student Entrepreneurship Program (SEP) sharing session at Lecture Theatre 8.
The SEP is open to all students, by providing a support platform and engages in helping students grow their ventures from vision to action, and at any stage of development. Students can form teams of 2-5 matriculated NTU students, with at least 50% of whom are from SCSE and accepted teams can receive up to 20,000 SGD funding in 2 years.
The SEP sharing session serves as a learning cum networking session where teams who have worked hard and had their minimal viable products or even achieved a certain degree of success, came forth to share with their fellow peers on their projects and interact with one another for feedback and opinions.
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The session started off with opening by our emcee, Lewis (CS/Year 3) from iLab Student Committee, followed by Prof An Bo, Assistant Chair (Innovation) of SCSE and supervising professor for the iLab student committee, doing a sharing on SEP with the audience.
Sharing from teams as followed:
Leader: Dwivedee Lakshyajeet
Members: Das Atrik, Padhi Abhinandan
Project Description: The goal of HackLyst is to Connect programmers to programming projects. HackLyst is a website which allows programmers to find programming projects (Open Source, Startups and Side Projects) to which they can contribute. Project owners can also pay programmers to do tasks related to their projects. The website also allows people to request features from project owners and donate to the project. Thus, projects get feedback and donations while programmers get experience as well as a small income by doing tasks.
Leader: Liu Dikai
Members: Xu Yuecong, Zhang Jinyan, Wang Jingbin, Zhou Lingjin, Li Shenggui, Gan Xin
Project Description: The team focuses on developing autonomous Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) robot for post-disaster environment.
Leader: Melvin Foo
Members: Anthony Fong, Chin Zhi Wei, Victor Gwee, Herh Peng Leng
Project Description: Whizz is an on-demand autonomous E-scooter service seeking to solve the last-mile transportation problem. Users can hail autonomous scooters to their location from anywhere instead of walking to the scooter.
Leader: Ong Jia Rui
Members: See Jie Xun, Leow Yao Yang
Project Description: Yux is a visual search engine that will be released initially as a Google Chrome Extension app. Yux searches and returns a list of similar looking products from a single crop of an image on your screen. You can then click on any of the results to purchase them directly from an e-commerce website. Yux searches for a place to purchase a piece of similar looking clothing which is an affordable alternative that is visually similar to an item that you like (which is more expensive).
Each team shared on how they have came up with their projects that could solve a problem they have identified respectively. That include business planning, analysing their market, coming out with a prototype, challenges and other takeaways; a true demonstration of turning vision into actions with the support from SCSE SEP.
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The sharing session have been very fruitful, with each project spark interests from the audience and other speakers alike. And the event ended off with a buffet dinner cum networking session, where, together with our Prof An Bo, students and project teams mingle with one another after the event.
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Although it is near the examination period, we are glad to see a decent number of keen students turning up and we look forward to hosting another session of such sharing event in the future.