Published on 19 Oct 2021

CoLab4Good Award for Service

Congratulation to the Interdisciplinary Graduate School - Student Club winning CoLab4Good Award for Service to Society under project, Community Telehealth Service.

A collaboration between a team of students from the Interdisciplinary Graduate School – Student Club and Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine Graduate Student Club, they created an initiative called Community Telehealth Service, where it aims to provide accessible and scalable health monitoring in a physical-digital hybrid manner through health booths. It overcomes the lack of physical measurements in a typical telehealth app consult and people do not have to own or maintain any of the medical devices. Another key consideration was to remove the commute barrier by locating the booth within convenient community spaces (i.e. along the way to buy groceries).

The CoLab4Good Award for Service to Society is an Award that recognises student initiatives which have made significant contributions to either the community, or the environment in the preceding year.

Let us congratulate them for their outstanding initiatives that have made an impact towards the enhancement of student life in NTU, the betterment of the community and environment, as well as their perseverance in pursuing sports excellence.