What we do
The aim of the Culture Science Innovations is to understand the interplay between culture and psychology, and the implications of this interaction for organisational behaviour and consumer behaviour. We investigate this by examining core cultural and philosophical ideas; social norms, customs, and practices reflecting and promoting those ideas; everyday experiences personalising core ideas; and how all of these influence the way people think, feel, and act.
To achieve this goal, we adopt a multi-level, multi-method approach, including neuroscience, cognitive, and social psychological experiments, and industrial and organisational psychology surveys.
In addition to studying the impact of culture on psychology, we want to uncover the underlying neuro-biological and cognitive mechanisms, and emotional and motivational processes by which the socio-cultural and organisational context evolves over time.
Current Research
Find out moreCurrent research topics examined in the Culture Science Innovations involve the following:
- How the implicit mechanisms by which people adjust to new cultures
- How culture and its symbols can act as psychological protective factors
- How the mixing of cultures can induce positive and negative reactions
- How the development of Mega-Cities could affect the evolution of new cultural norms
- How human decision making varies across cultures
- How cultural lay beliefs influence people’s motivation
- How approaches to managing cultural clashes and fostering culturally intelligent practices
- How improving existing models of human decision making and organi
sational behaviour
All of our research is supported by state-of-the-art equipment .
We are a diverse group of cognitive, social, and organisational psychologists working on a variety of topics spanning the behavioural sciences, including neuroscience, psychology, sociology, and economics.

Prof Soon Ang
(Research Scientist)

Prof George Christopoulos
(Research Scientist)

Prof Zou Xi
(Research Scientist)