Research Groups
Professors in the College of Computing and Data Science at NTU, together with their PhD students and research staff, explore topics in the exciting spectrum of Computer Science and Engineering to advance the state-of-the-art. Below is a brief overview of the research groups:
Division of AI
Artificial Intelligence: cognitive and neuro systems, decision support systems, evolutionary, memetic and statistical learning, fuzzy systems, intelligent multi-agents, intelligent system and devices, machine learning and nature-inspired systems.
Back Row: Prof Bo An and Asst/P Fan Xiuyi
Centre Row: Asst/P Zhang Mengmi (NRF), Dr Liu Siyuan, Prof Ong Yew Soon, Asst/P Wang Wenya, Prof Tao Dacheng, Nanyang Asst/P Wei Ying, Asst/P Luu Anh Tuan and Prof Erik Cambria
Front Row: Prof Miao Chunyan, Prof Zhang Jie, Asst/P Yu Han, Prof Guan Cuntai and A/P Quek Hiok Chai
Not in photo: Prof Sinno Pan, Dr Shen Zhiqi and A/P Kelly Ke Yiping
Computer Vision and Language: computer vision, multimedia, image processing, video analytics, speech and signal processing, 3D geometric modeling, fringe pattern analysis, machine translation.
Back Row: A/P Lin Guosheng; Nanyang Asst/P Liu Ziwei; Nanyang Asst/P Pan Xingang; Nanyang A/P Li Boyang, Albert (NRF); A/P Deepu Rajan; Dr Ong Chin Ann; A/P Chia Liang Tien, Clement; A/P Lu Shijian
Front Row: Nanyang Prof Loy Chen Change, Cavan; Prof Lin Weisi; A/P Chan Syin; Dr Li Fang, Nanyang A/P Zhang Hanwang; A/P Cham Tat Jen
Not in photo: A/P Chng Eng Siong, A/P Shafiq Joty and Dr Loke Yuan Ren
Division of Data Science
Data Management and Analytics: spatio-temporal databases, graph-structured databases, big data analytics, predictive analytics, social media analytics, question-answer systems, sentiment analysis.
From left: Dr Michele Nguyen, Asst/P Long Cheng, Dr Josephine Chong Leng Leng, Prof Cong Gao, A/P Sourav Bhowmick, A/P Sun Aixin, Nanyang Asst/P Luo Siqiang, Asst/P Zhang Shuhao and Prof Wen Yonggang
Not in photo: A/P Hui Siu Cheung
Health Informatics : Computational medicine, Telemedicine, Genomics, Artificial intelligence and machine learning in healthcare, healthcare data privacy and security, data governance and regulations, Infodemiology and epidemiology, Diagnostic instrumentation, Advanced medical imaging, bioinformatics and computational biology
From left: A/P Tan Chee Wei, Asst/P Fan Xiuyi, Dr Vidya Sudarshan, Prof Rajapakse Jagath and A/P Kwoh Chee Keong
Security, Cryptography & Digital Trust: data privacy, privacy-preserving analytics, malware analysis, formal systems verification, mobile device security, cyberattack attribution, dark web monitoring, botnet detection, encrypted data processing,
biometrics, cyber forensics. From left: Asst/P Li Yi, Dr Tay Kian Boon, A/P Adams Kong, Prof Lam Kwok Yan, Prof Liu Yang and Asst/P Zhang Tianwei.
Not in photo: Prof Luke Ong, A/P Ng Wee Keong, Asst/P Lin Shang-Wei and Dr Conrad Watt
Division of Computing
Parallel and Distributed Computing: distributed systems/computing (collaborative technologies, p2p systems, sensor networks, theory and algorithms), high performance computing (grid and cloud computing, GPGPU, performance optimization
and tools), and large scale simulation (agent-based simulation, decision support systems, virtual environments).
From left: Dr Huang Shell Ying, Asst/P Dmitrii Ustiugov, Prof Cai Wentong, Asst/P Bryan Lim Wei Yang, A/P Tang Xueyan and A/P Anwitaman Datta
GIVR - Graphics, Interaction, Visualisation and Reality: human computer interaction, user experience design, augmented reality, avatar behavior modeling, serious gaming, gamification.From left: A/P Qian Kemao, A/P Goh Wooi Boon, Prof Seah Hock Soon, Dr Owen Noel Newton Fernando, A/P Alexei Sourin, Prof Zheng Jianmin and A/P He Ying.
Hardware and Embedded Systems: low-energy hardware, hardware acceleration, architecture-aware algorithms, reconfigurable computing, embedded sensing, multi-functional sensors, IP-enabled devices.
Back Row: A/P Anupam Chattopadhyay, A/P Arvind Easwaran, Prof Srikanthan Thambipillai and A/P Lam Siew Kei
Front Row: A/P Nicholas Vun, A/P Douglas Maskell, Asst/P Mohamed Mostafa Sabry Aly, A/P Liu Weichen , Dr Smitha Kavallur and Dr Oh Hong Lye
Network Systems: software defined networks, peer-to-peer networking, data-center networking, heterogeneous networks, mobile cloud computing, machine type communications (MTC), cognitive radio.From left: A/P Luo Jun, A/P Tan Rui, Prof Dusit Niyato, Asst/P Zhao Jun and A/P A S Madhukumar
Not in photo: Prof Li Mo, Nanyang A/P Xiong Jie, A/P Yeo Chai Kiat, A/P Lau Chiew Tong and A/P Lee Bu Sung, Francis