麦格罗斯基发声法:让您轻松放歌—系列2  Singing Made Simple: The McClosky Voice Method – Series 2

Singing Made Simple_The McClosky Voice Method_Series 2






  • 继续通过麦格罗斯基发声法,学习放松自如的嗓音
  • 进一步缓解发声器官以取得字正腔圆的效果
  • 养成更好的发声,均衡的起唱与收句的习惯
  • 更深入了解歌唱气息的运作与协调
第一讲:   良好的歌唱基础概述
第二讲:麦格罗斯基发声法 -- 放松,姿势矫正,呼吸,叹息


日期:2023年5月13日 至 2023年6月10日 (每逢星期六)
时间: 下午2时至5时(英文与中文讲解)
南洋理工大学孔子学院 Confucius Institute, NTU
11 Slim Barracks Rise, NTU @one-north campus, Executive Centre,
#08-01 (near Buona Vista MRT station)
语言: 中文 & 英文
收费: S$327.00*/5堂课(公众)
S$177.00*/5堂课(50岁以上新加坡籍乐龄人士可享50% NSA 津贴)

* 以上费用已包含9%消费税

·         南大在籍师生可享 15% 优惠
·         三名及以上新学员可享15%优惠
·         其他公众可享10%优惠

^ 需出示身份证明及相关文件
^ 优惠与津贴不可同时使用

电话: 6514 1398 / 6592 7931
报名电邮: [email protected]
  • 电子结业证书仅适用于报名完整课程并且课程出席率超过75%的学员

Singing Made Simple: The McClosky Voice Method – Series 2

Singing Made Simple: The McClosky Voice Method - Series 2 provides further training and coaching for participants from Series 1 or experienced singers. This series reinforces the singing concepts introduced previously. All sessions are interactive and practical. The instruction medium will be in both Mandarin and English.

Learning Outcomes:

Continue to reinforce the singing concepts introduced in Series 1 that include:
  • The McClosky Relaxation, Posture, Breathing and Breathy Sigh
  • Optimizing the resonance and articulation through freeing the vocal apparatus
  • Cultivating good phonation habits, i.e., flow phonation, balanced on-set and off-set
  • Gaining insight to the singer’s breath: the application of Appoggio


​Workshop 1: The Fundamentals of Good Singing
Workshop 2: The McClosky Method: Relaxation, Posture, Breathing and Breathy Sigh
​Workshop 3: Phonation and Resonance
Workshop 4: Dictions and Articulation
Workshop 5: Expression and Interpretation

Date: 13 May 2023 - 10 June 2023 (Every Saturday)
Time: ​2:00pm - 5:00pm
南洋理工大学孔子学院 Confucius Institute, NTU
11 Slim Barracks Rise, NTU @one-north campus, Executive Centre,
#08-01 (near Buona Vista MRT station)
Language Medium: English & Chinese
Fee: S$327.00*/ 5 lessons (Public)
S$177.00*/ 5 lessons (For Singaporean seniors aged 50 years and above after NSA Subsidy)

* Price stated is inclusive of 9%GST

Early Bird Registration:
·         15% discount for NTU staff/student
·         15% discount for group of 3 pax and more
·         10% discount for public

^ Above discounts cannot be combined with NSA subsidy
^ Proof of identity status or relevant documents are required for verification purpose
^ Participants are eligible for only ONE of the above mentioned discount schemes
Tel: 6514 1398 / 6592 7931
Email: [email protected]
  • A certificate of Participation will be awarded to student for completing 5 lessons with more than 75% of attendance.