“认识中医”课程  Introductory Course in Traditional Chinese Medicine

Introductory Course in Traditional Chinese Medicine



​第一讲: 什么是中医
​第二讲: 中医如何诊断疾病​
​第三讲​: “五色补脏”食疗养生法
第四讲​: 扶正与祛邪中药​​在日常生活中的应用
第五讲​: 中医如何应付压力
​第六讲​: 中医如何控制糖尿病​
​第七讲​: 针灸经络穴位的保健与治疗​
​​​第八讲​: ​常见病的推拿保健与治疗​
第九讲​: 中医如何调理、保护脾胃
第十讲​: ​常见妇科疾病的中医防治与保健​



日期:2024年3月23日 – 6月1日(每逢星期六)(3月30日不上课)
时间:​早上9点30分 至中午12点
授课地点:南洋理工大学孔子学院 Confucius Institute, NTU
11 Slim Barracks Rise, NTU @one-north campus, Executive Centre, #08-01 Singapore 138664​ (near Buona Vista MRT station)
收费:S$542.82*/ 10堂课
S$293.82*/ 10堂课(50岁及以上新加坡籍乐龄人士可享50% NSA 津贴)

* 以上费用已含9%消费税

·         可获得一本价值16元的《认识中医》​
·         享有一次南大中医免费问诊​
·         出席率超过75%的学员将获得电子结业证书​

·         ​在籍南大师生可享15%优惠
·         三名及以上新学员同时报名可享15%优惠
·         其他公众可享10%优惠
^ 需出示身份证明及相关证明文件
^ 优惠与津贴不可同时使用
电话:6514 1398 ​​/ 6592 7931
电邮:[email protected]

Introductory Course in Traditional Chinese Medicine

The course provides you with the basic knowledge of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and the theories of acupuncture and meridian. Know the common illnesses such as diabetes, depression and gynaecological diseases and learn how to treat, prevent and care for your health. The group of lecturers are experienced consultant physicians working in NTU Chinese Medicine Clinic and have many years of clinical experience and teaching experience. They treasure patients' interests and are willing to pass on their knowledge to educate patients and students in the spirit of academic medicine.​

LecturerThe group of lecturers are experienced consultant physicians working in NTU Chinese Medicine Clinic who have many years of clinical and teaching experiences. They treasure patients’ interests and are willing to pass on their knowledge to educate patients and students in the spirit of academic medicine.
Date:23 March 2024 – 1 June 2024 (Every Saturday)*No lesson on 30 March 2024
Time:​9​​:30am - 12:00pm
Venue南洋理工大学孔子学院 Confucius Institute, NTU
11 Slim Barracks Rise, NTU @one-north campus, Executive Centre, #08-01, Singapore 138664 (near Buona Vista MRT station)
Language Medium:​Mandarin

S$542.82*/ 10 lessons

S$293.82*/ 10 lessons (For Singaporean seniors aged 50 years and above after NSA Subsidy)

* Price is inclusive of 9%GST

Complimentary for students​:​​
·         ​​Book titled "Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine" worth $16 
·         One complimentary TCM consultatio​n by  NTU Chinese Medicine Clinic 
·         E-​Certificate of Participation will be awarded to ​​student with ​more than​ 75% of attendance ​​​

Early bird discount​:
·         ​15% discount for NTU staff/student
·         15% discount for group of 3 p​​ax or more
·         10% discount for public 

^ Proof of identity status or relevant documents are required for verification purpose. 
^ Students are eligible for only ONE of the above mentioned discount scheme

Contact No.:6514 1398 / 6592 7931
Email:[email protected]